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50% scholarship “Emerging Markets 2008“ for General Management MBA Program

On October 10, 2008 the postgraduate master program “General Management MBA“ starts already for the ninth time. This successful MBA program is conducted by the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with the Danube University Krems.

A main demand of both universities is to award one scholarship for qualified persons from “Emerging Markets”. This specialised grant will give individuals the possibility to get further academic education, to perfect a foreign language and to achieve intercultural competence.
By granting this scholarship the Vienna University of Technology and the Danube University Krems are supporting the managerial development of excellent managers from Eastern and South-eastern European countries.

The postgraduate program lasts 4 semesters and will be held in German (first and second semester) and in English (third semester). Students will have the possibility to study abroad (e.g. at the renowned Baruch College in New York City, USA). Internationally distinguished experts are members of the faculty – both as a result of their scientific knowledge and their extensive practical experience.

Already for the third time the Vienna University of Technolgy and the Danube University Krems grant one 50% Scholarships to Alumni of technical, technical-economical or natural science studies for the General Management MBA Program. Admitted individuals from Eastern or South-eastern European countries must hold an academic degree along with a minimum of two years‘ work experience and adequate knowledge of the English language.

Persons who are interested in the scholarship have to apply until August 4, 2008.

The application documents (incl. letter of motivation) have to be sent by e-mail to

You will find further information about the General Management MBA Program on our homepage <link http:>

Final degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA) granted by the Vienna University of Technology and the Danube University Krems  
Language of instruction: German & English
Duration: 4 semesters, part-time in modules
Program start: October 10, 2008
Academic directors: Univ.-Prof. Dr. W. Aussenegg (TU Vienna),
Univ.-Prof. B.Bahli, Ph.D (DU Krems)

Contact & information:

Vienna University of Technology
Continuing Education Center
Mag. Verena Seitinger

Operngasse 11/017
A-1040 Vienna
T: +43 (0)1 58801-41704
F: +43 (0)1 58801-41799
E: <link>
H: <link http:>