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3rd Science Day of the Doctoral College "Energy Systems 2030"

The 3rd Science Day of the Doctoral College „Energy Systems 2030“ will be held on Monday, 30th September.

Leading international experts agree that meeting the challenges in the field of "Energy, Environment and Climate" requires comprehensive technological developments and investments in the nine themes of solar energy, wind energy, biomass utilization, storage technologies, electric grids, electric mobility, energy active buildings, carbon capture and storage and nuclear energy.

Why 2030? On the one hand, major changes based on technical innovations need time, on the other hand, changes must soon be developed in order to develop the desired impact by 2050. 2030 offers a balance between the time required for change and the urgency for which it is needed.

In 2010 the doctoral college ENSYS 2030 was established at Vienna University of Technology in order to organize a high level interdisciplinary research group with an internationally acknowledged faculty. The research assignments of the doctoral college concentrated on four of nine above mentioned key themes:

  • Solar Energy
  • Energy Storage
  • Electric Mobility
  • Energy Active Buildings

In the course of the Science Day a keynote speech concerning research demands and challenges in each of the key themes will be given and the participants of the doctoral college will present the findings and results of their ph.D.-theses within the four fields of research.

3rd Science Day
Monday, 30th September, 2013, 9:00 to 18:00
Vienna University of Technology
Lehargasse 2-4, 1060 Vienna
Radinger lecture hall, Building BD, 1st Floor

Registration: <link>

<link file:29729 _blank pdf-link science day ensys2030>Program

Webtipp: <link http:>

[1] Pictures:
Solar energy: © greenlagirl
Energy storage: © Argonne National Laboratory
Energy active buildings: © Jeremy Levine Design
Electirc mobility: © johncatral