All news at TU Wien

29th start of the MSc "Real Estate Management & Valuation"

For the second time this year, a full course of the renowned Real Estate Masters at the TU Wien- Academy for Continuing Education started.

[Translate to English:] Ansprache von Professor Bob Martens

© Urheberrecht

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[Translate to English:] Blick in die Durchgangsgruppe im Klassenraum

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[Translate to English:] Ansprache von ImmoABS Vorständin Dr. Birgit Trofer

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[Translate to English:] Gruppenfoto der Klasse im Stiegenhaus

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[Translate to English:] Sich in kleineren Gruppen unterhaltende Studierende

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On September 27th, 2022, at the Welcome Reception in the Boecklsaal, the 30 students who will now study together in the Master's program for two years met for the first time. The now 33 years of experience of the TU Wien in the field of real estate-specific courses offer the new students a university-level education that is unique in Austria.

Univ.-Prof. dr Bob Martens, FRICS, officially welcomed the participants to the TU Wien Academy and gave them a review of the history of the master's program and an outlook for the next four semesters.

Dr. Mag. Birgit Trofer, MSc - herself a graduate of this master's degree and board member of ImmoABS , opens an external URL in a new window - congratulated the students on their decision to start this further education. She talked about her experiences during her studies, the challenge of studying part-time and how much the effort will be worth it. She reported on the interesting activities of the alumni association and emphasized the importance of the TU alumni network for future professional careers.

Presented by Professor Martens, the students introduced themselves personally and already found common interests that go beyond the real estate industry. At the final get-together, the new colleagues had ample opportunity for personal exchange.

The TU Wien Academy team wishes all participants a good start and every success for the next four semesters!