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24 years old but ever young - Graduation Ceremony of the MSc Program Engineering Mangement above the roofs of Vienna

[Translata.l.n.r.: Larry Stapleton, PhD, Prof. Peter Kopacek, die AbsolventInnen 2019 und Vleft to rigth: Larry Stapleton, PhD, Prof. Peter Kopacek, the Graduates 2019, Vice rector Prof. Kurt Matyasizerektor Prof. Kurt Matyase to English:] .l.n.r.: Larry Stapleton, PhD, Prof. Peter Kopacek, die AbsolventInnen 2019 und Vizerektor Prof. Kurt Matyas

left to rigth: Larry Stapleton, PhD, Prof. Peter Kopacek, the Graduates 2019, Vice rector Prof. Kurt Matyas

left to rigth: Larry Stapleton, PhD, Prof. Peter Kopacek, the Graduates 2019, Vice rector Prof. Kurt Matyas

On May 24, 2019, participants of the postgraduate, executive MSc program “Engineering Management" and the postgraduate "Professional MBA Facility Management" program celebrated together their successful graduation over the roofs of Vienna in TU in the Sky at TU Wien.

The Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Kurt Matyas opened the ceremony and welcomed the graduates, their guests and congratulated the graduates for their achievements in the postgraduate study. He outlined the importance of continuing education.

em.O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.- Ing. Dr.techn. Dr.h.c.mult. Peter Kopacek, Academic Program Director of the Engineering Management Program welcomed briefly the members of the “Engineering Management family” and their guests.

In his festive speech Lawrence Stapleton, BSc PhD M.A. (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland) founder of “Knewfutures Consulting Services” and longtime lecturer in the Engineering Management program highlighted the importance of postgraduate education and long life (deep) learning.

Vice Rector Kurt Matyas announced the graduation ceremony and introduced Ms. Burcak Bicer, BSc for the academic oath and handed over with Prof. Kopacek the MSc certificates to the Engineering Management graduates.

In her Alumni speech Ms. Irina Djordjevic,BSc, MSc emphasized the family atmosphere between the participants among themselves and the lecturers. She closed the speech with a quotation from Nelson Mandela “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”.

In the following Awards ceremony first Ms. Sandra Wagner - the marvellous Engineering Management spirit - handed over the “Engineering Management needles”, as a sign for their membership in the Engineering Management family, to the participants.

Then the following awards were presented by Vice Rector Matyas and Prof. Peter Kopacek go to the following persons:

Best study awards:

  • Irina Djordjevic (Serbia)
  • David Strobl (Hungary)

Best lecture awards:

  • Prof. Numan Durakbasa (TU Wien)
  • Dr. Norbert Jesse (Quinscape Company, Germany)
  • Sankar Sengupta, PhD (Oakland University, USA)
  • Rajeev Singhal, PhD (Oakland University, USA)
  • Larry Stapleton, PhD (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)
  • Vizerektor Prof. Kurt Matyas (TU Wien)

Prof. Kopacek closed the Awards ceremony:  A MSc degree is not only necessary for a business carrier because of the sentence "all you have you can use it".

Vice Rector Matyas thanked all involved and especially the members of the TU Orchestra and closed the ceremony with the Austrian and European anthem.

The program team of the MSc Program Engineering wishes the alumni all the best and congratulated the following persons to their success:

  • Bicer Burcak, BSc, MSc (Turkey)
  • Irina Djordjevic, BSc, MSc (Serbia)
  • Mohammed Jawed, B.E., MSc (India)
  • Ing. Alin Kalam, MSc (Austria)
  • Teofil Lavu, BSc, MSc (Romania)
  • Mario Mandau, B.Sc., MSc (Germany)
  • Fridol Mekkunnel, B.Tech. (Austria)
  • David Strobl, B.Eng., MSc (Hungary)