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Interview with Frau Mag. (FH) Christina Hubin, M.A. - Upstream – next level mobility GmbH (a subsidiary of Wiener Stadtwerke and Wiener Linien)

Mag. (FH) Christina Hubin, M.A. teaches "Digitization of passenger mobility“ in MBA Mobility Transformation.

[Translate to English:] Mag. (FH) Christina Hubin, M.A. - Upstream – next level mobility GmbH

Mag. (FH) Christina Hubin, M.A.

Christina Hubin, M.A. works as Head of Research & Development at Upstream - next level mobility GmbH (a subsidiary of Wiener Stadtwerke and Wiener Linien). As part of the MBA Mobility Transformation, she teaches "Digitization of passenger mobility". In an interview with us, she reveals which current trends are shaping mobility, why this topic is currently gaining relevance, and what you can learn from her.

As an expert, why am I so passionate about "Digitization of passenger mobility“?

The topic of the digitization of passenger transport covers many issues that I am passionate about. On the one hand, it is a great motivation for me to make a contribution to the most livable city in the world - to help shape the mobility of the future.
The goals of the City of Vienna in terms of digitalization and climate neutrality by 2040 are very ambitious. Mobility makes up a large part of this. In my opinion, it is very important to recognize and consider which know-how in this area must be built up in the public sector and which can be purchased from private providers.
Passenger mobility should continue to be available and affordable for everyone in the future, and it should be ensured as a service of common interest.

Why is the topic relevant for leaders?

Corporate mobility accounts for more than half of the passenger traffic in Vienna. Therefore, it is relevant for companies and executives to deal with corporate mobility. Not only in urban areas, but also in rural areas, it is necessary to use innovative, digital services to make mobility climate-neutral and accessible to everyone.

How does this topic effect companies or society?

In recent years, a wide variety of trends have emerged that have an influence on the development of mobility. One major trend is that owning one's own private car is no longer seen as a status symbol. Therefore, it is important for society,  companies and districts to think about climate-neutral sharing solutions and to make them available to limited user groups as well as to the public.

What do participants learn from me?  

The participants learn
- Which digital services and technologies will be relevant for the mobility of the future
- Which role Data Science will play
- What is the role/goals of the public sector
- Awareness Sharpening the impact of the digitalization of mobility
- Creative, innovative approaches to solutions
- Project management approaches: rapid prototyping towards product development

Key Facts

  • Final Degree: Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Management & Technology | Mobility Transformation
  • ECTS credits: 90
  • Duration: 3 semesters + Master's Thesis
  • Structure: Part-time, blocked in modules
  • Language: German
  • Tution Fee: EUR 24.400 (excl. expenses for travel and accommodation)
  • *) Graduates of the TU Wien receive a discount of 5 % (TU Wien alumni club members 10 %) on the course fee.
  • Admission Requirements: First academic degree; 3 years of work experience; personal interview
  • Locations: TU Wien, surrounding area of Vienna
  • Academic Directors: Univ.Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Schlund und Dr. Sandra Stein

Key Learnings

  • Deep insights into the future-oriented mobility technology
  • Development of innovative solution for future mobility infrastructures
  • Development and evaluation of modern business models and mobility platforms for passenger and freight transportation
  • Acquisition and application of know-how for the design of emission-free mobility by the year 2050
  • Deepening or expanding the ability to have a say and make decisions on management issues and new technologies
  • Strengthening of the individual leadership personality
  • Additional qualifications through freely selectable subjects in the areas of project management and business law

For more information about the MBA Mobility Transformation Program please visit the following program website or brochure, opens a file in a new window (in German).