Accelerate Your Automotive Career with TU Wien's Masterclass

The global automotive industry is undergoing a seismic shift, driven by digitalization, new mobility trends, and sustainability demands. In this rapidly evolving landscape, visionary leaders are needed to steer organizations towards continued success.

TU Wien's Masterclass in Automotive Management empowers you to become that transformative leader. Through an intensive curriculum taught by world-renowned experts, you'll gain cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills to optimize processes across the entire automotive value chain.

Anmeldung Compact Programs

What does the Masterclass Automotive Management offer you?

  • Case studies from the real world 
  • Excursions and company visits
  • Discussions and lectures with experts from industry and research

  • Certificate from TU Wien, one of Europe's most esteemed technical universities
  • Optional: apply credits towards an MBA

  • Professors, researchers, and industry leaders from TU Wien, Fraunhofer Austria, and major automotive corporations
  • Insights from authorities who shape the future of automotive management through research and innovation
DI Marco Schlimpert, Vice President Performance, Improvement & Technology, Lenzing AG

"You'll get most relevant tools to prepare you as future leaders in the automotive industry. You will learn to adapt to the quickly changing markets: to anticipate changes, to drive new initiatives for product and service offerings, to accelerate implementation, to partner with companies and finally to build trust in cooperation.."

Marco Schlimpert | Vice President Performance Improvement and Technology, Lenzing AG

What you'll learn

Fundamentals in Operation (9 Days)

  • Mastering the Automotive Supply Chain: Gain the ability to enhance efficiency and reduce costs by deeply understanding all influential factors of the supply chain.
  • Competencies in Operations Management and Manufacturing: Acquire essential skills in process and quality management to optimize operational performance and comply with industry standards.

Advanced Operations in the Automotive Industry (6 Days)

  • Excellence in Advanced Operations: Master advanced management practices to increase productivity and respond agilely to market changes.
  • Strategic Use of Digitalization: Leverage digital transformation to implement innovative solutions in production and logistics, thereby boosting competitiveness.
  • Integration of Sustainability Principles: Understand how environmentally and energy-efficient approaches can strengthen your brand and meet regulatory requirements.

  • Prof. Fazel Ansari - TU Wien & Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
  • Robert Glawar - voestalpine Steel & Service Center GmbH
  • Jesko Herrmann - Bertrandt Technologie GmbH
  • Prof. Vera Hummel - ESB Business School, Reutlingen University
  • Lukas Lingitz - Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
  • Prof. Daniel Palm - ESB Business School, Reutlingen University
  • Martin Riester - Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
  • Marco Schlimpert - Lenzing AG
  • Alexander Schloske - Fraunhofer-Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
  • Andreas Schumacher - VTU Group
  • Klaus Schmid, MBA - Bundesinitiative eMobility Austria
  • Prof. Wilfried Sihn - Technische Universität Wien & Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
  • Tanja Zigart - Accenture
Anmeldung Compact Programs

Is the Masterclass Automotive Management the right program for you?

✓ A Legacy of Excellence and Innovation: Experience over two centuries of pioneering education with TU Wien's Automotive Management Masterclass, blending theory with real-world industry applications.

✓ World-Class Faculty from Academia and Industry: Learn from TU Wien and Fraunhofer Austria’s top academics and industry leaders, ensuring relevant and comprehensive knowledge.

✓ Holistic, Multidisciplinary Perspective: Gain a broad understanding across operations, logistics, digitalization, and more, enabling you to navigate the automotive industry's complexities effectively.

✓ Hands-On, Interactive Learning Experience: Engage in case studies and simulations that enhance your decision-making skills and provide practical, actionable insights.

✓ A Diverse, International Learning Environment: Join a diverse group of global professionals, enriching your learning experience and expanding your network.

✓ Prestigious Certification and Credentialing Options: Earn a recognized certificate from TU Wien and pursue MBA credit options to boost your career trajectory.

✓ Part-Time Format for Working Professionals: Study at your own pace with a flexible part-time format, designed to accommodate the schedules of working professionals, allowing you to balance career advancement with existing job responsibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The Masterclass is designed for experienced professionals. Applicants should have a bachelor's degree or equivalent, at least three years of relevant work experience, and proficiency in English.

The compact program's duration is 15 days. The flexible blocked schedule allows you to continue working while studying.

Class sizes are limited to around 15-25 participants to ensure an engaging, discussion-based learning environment. In-person sessions encourage hands-on activities, case studies, and peer learning.

Secure your seat

Invest in your future as an automotive industry leader with TU Wien's Automotive Management Masterclass. Register now to secure your place in this transformative educational experience.


Anmeldung Compact Programs