Transform your technical expertise into a competitive edge by embarking on new paths in marketing and sales with our compact program.

Anmeldung Compact Programs

What you'll learn

Strategy Development: Acquire skills to create effective strategies and competitive advantages.

Sales Expertise: Deepen your knowledge in sales management and performance.

Practical Learning: Use interactive methods like case studies for direct application experience.

Networking: Build valuable professional networks and benefit from expert knowledge.

Interdisciplinary Skills: Link technical and business knowledge for comprehensive business solutions.


Step into the World of Modern Marketing

In the age of digitalization, artificial intelligence, and global changes, a strategic and well-founded approach to marketing is indispensable. Our compact program equips you with the essential tools to communicate successfully through the right channels and achieve your marketing goals. With a blend of theory and practice, conveyed by experienced experts, you will develop a deep understanding of dynamic marketing strategies, learn how to formulate and manage operational goals, and how to use the most effective metrics to reach your target customers.

Transform Sales into Your Competitive Advantage

In our compact program, you will immerse yourself in the world of sales management. You will learn to master the key tools of sales control, planning, and organizational alignment. We cover the critical success factors in sales—from performance metrics to the analysis of various sales channels and processes. With this knowledge, you will create a market-oriented sales and customer strategy, set goals, and derive specific guidelines and metrics for your sales team.

Interactive and Practical Learning

Our program is designed so that you engage in an interactive setting to not only learn the core concepts of marketing and sales but also to actively apply them. Through case studies, group work, and discussions, you will put theory into practice and thus develop a comprehensive understanding of market-oriented business strategies.

Didactics: ineractive on-site learning supported by impulse lectures, case studies, analysis and discussion rounds. To get the most out of this course, thorough preparation and active participation are essential.

Language: The compact program will be held in German.

Venue: TU Wien

Degree: Certificate of attendance from TU Wien or certificate for 8 ECTS credits (if the entire course is completed including performance record).

Final examination: Oral examination

Participation fee: The participation fee is EUR 2,790.00 (VAT-free, excl. travel and accommodation expenses), -10% Reduction for TU Wien Graduates

Requirement for participation: Please register via our online form, opens an external URL in a new window. A short individual consultation with the program manager is also a necessity for participation.

Upon completion of the course, participants will enjoy the following benefits and gain a profound understanding in the following areas:

  • Market and Customer Management: Participants will acquire in-depth know-how in the most important tools of market and customer management and will be able to effectively implement these in practice to optimize marketing strategies.
  • Marketing & Sales Planning: Participants will be capable of deriving a targeted marketing and sales plan from the company's strategy, which strengthens brand management and drives corporate success.
  • Performance Goals and Metrics: Participants will develop the ability to define performance goals and interpret meaningful metrics for effective sales management.
  • Digital and Analog Sales Process: Participants will gain the competence to design both digital and analog sales processes and strategically plan sales funnels and pipelines.
  • Communication & Marketing Plan: Participants will learn to develop a long-term communication and marketing plan and successfully implement it across various channels, including social media and online marketing.
  • Customer Segmentation and Potential: Participants will master the art of customer segmentation and classification to unlock the full potential of their target audience and increase sales.
  • Analysis of Marketing and Sales Organization: Participants will acquire the ability to analyze marketing and sales structures and align them with market-oriented strategies to strengthen market positioning.

We are aimed at technicians from industrial and production companies with a technical or scientific academic background who want to prepare for the next career stage at management level or strategically expand their knowledge in the area of Marketing, Sales and Distribution management.

2 x blocked modules per semester. Organized part-time from Thu-Sat, full day (9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.)_

  • Module 1: Thursday - Saturday, May 22 - 24, 2025
  • Module 2: Thursday - Saturday, June 26 - 28, 2025
TU Wien

Modern learning environment at TU Wien

[Translate to English:] Marketing & Sales Seminar

Case Studies, group work, discussions

Our compact program is designed interactively for & with our participants: with impulse lectures, practice-relevant case studies and moderated discussions or group work. We offer knowledge transfer at an academic level in a compact format.


Today more than ever, modern sales needs innovative strategies, new thrusts, but also new competencies to be successful in a changed environment. In the future, success will be determined less by chance than by well thought-out growth and sales strategies, optimal alignment and leadership, and the right behavior with the customer.

Karl Pinczolits

Our Experts

Heimo Hammer | CEO kraftwerk Agentur für neue Kommunikation GmbH

Heimo Hammer

Heimo Hammer specialized in Marketing, Advertising, and Informatics during his studies at WU Vienna. Subsequently, he worked at the Institute for Marketing and for international companies (including Siemens, responsible for Ars Electronica). In 1990, he founded kraftwerk, which has become the leading creative agency with a digital focus in Austria. With 23 company foundations both domestically and internationally, and the think tank "FastForwardForum", he demonstrates his entrepreneurial ideas. Hammer is a keynote speaker, lecturer, and has published two books on the topic of innovation.

Prof (FH). Karl Pinczolits | Managing Director MCD-Institut für Vertrieb

Prof. Karl Pinczolits

Karl Pinczolits is the Managing Director of the MCD Institute for Sales, a consultancy focused on sales performance enhancement. Previously, he worked in sales at Siemens and Schrack Ericsson. He served as a department head for 20 years at the University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt and was the project leader for the European Sales Competition and the South East Asian Sales Competition until 2021. Today, he is a lecturer at the St. Gallen Business School and the Management Institute St. Gallen.

There are no specific prerequisites for participating in the program, however, the course is primarily aimed at technicians from industrial and production companies with a technical or scientific academic background. Professional experience in marketing and sales can be beneficial but is not mandatory.

To get the most out of the course and to be able to participate actively, we recommend that you prepare adequately for the course. Allocate about 10 to 15 hours per module for pre- and post-preparation of the course material, as well as additional time for group work and case studies.

During the Compact Program, various opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange with other participants, lecturers, and industry experts are provided. These include breaks for networking, group work, discussion rounds, and case studies. These interactions allow you to build valuable contacts, exchange best practices, and benefit from the experiences of other professionals in marketing and sales.

Mastering Marketing & Sales Successfully

Whether you want to advance your career in marketing and sales or take your company to the next level, our compact program provides you with the necessary tools. With a combination of in-depth knowledge, practical skills, and strategic expertise, you will be able to successfully design and implement your marketing and sales strategies.