Our Events

13. June 2023, 16:15 until 17:15

Self-organised localisation


Seminar talk

Gian Giudice (CERN, Schweiz)

The phenomenon of self-organised localisation is presented. When the fundamental parameters of
a theory are functions of a scalar field subject to large fluctuations during inflation, quantum phase transitions can act as dynamical attractors. As a result, the theory parameters are probabilistically localised around the critical value and the Universe finds itself at the edge of a phase transition. Examples will be given in which self-organised localisation accounts for the observed near-criticality of the Higgs self-coupling, the naturalness of the Higgs mass, or the smallness of the cosmological constant.

Calendar entry

Event location

1090 Wien Erwin Schrödinger Hörsaal, 5. Stock
Boltzmanngasse 5





Entrance fee



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