Our Events

15. January 2024, 16:00 until 17:30

Theory & Policy Seminar / Uwe Sunde (LMU München) / Demography and Globalization - A Long-Run Perspective


Uwe Sunde will give a talk at our Economic Theory & Policy Seminar.

Demography and Globalization - A Long-Run Perspective
Uwe Sunde (LMU), opens an external URL in a new window joint with Gerrit Meyerheim and Thomas Überfuhr

This paper investigates the interplay between demographic development and trade. We first present novel evidence from the estimation of extended gravity equations that document that international trade volumes are affected by differences in demographic development. To rationalize this finding, we develop a canonical model of long-run growth that shows how demographic differences affect the scope trade along the development path and that makes several novel predictions that are consistent with evidence. The model also shows that trade, while entailing positive short-run effects, can lead to divergence and a slow-down in the dynamics of demographic and economic development.

Calendar entry

Event location

TU Wien, DB yellow 04
1040 Vienna
Wiedner Haupstr. 8-10, Freihaus Buidling, yellow area, 4th floor (Seminarroom DB04 yellow)



Julia Hutter





Entrance fee



Registration required
