Our Events

21. September 2023, 18:00 until 19:00

Virtual Info Session on Executive MBA Space Architecture

Information Event

Meet the academic diretor and ask about the excursion to Houston!

The TU Wien is offering a 2-year part-time program  which spans an arc between economics, engineering, architecture and other technical and social sciences, to space and back to Earth. This unique interdisciplinary MBA conveys knowledge and know-how about new technologies and strategies for planning, building and living in space. At the same time, the reflection and synergies on current issues on Earth, such as the use of resources, the use of technology and the climate are an essential part of the joint discussion with internationally recognized experts and leaders.

The Key Learnings are:

  • Deep insights into the new growing field of space architecture discipline and associated fields
  • The latest development of space emerging technologies like 3D Manufacturing, Robotics, VR and AR
  • Envision, develop and assess opportunities for Downstream and Upstream Applications
  • Gain Know-how on Business management for the New Space Era
  • Interact with international experts in the field and expand your network

The Academic Director Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger and the program team will talk about your study options at TU Wien.
The Executive MBA in Space Architecture will teach and train professionals who want to develop their skills and reach the next career level.


Calendar entry

Event location

1040 Wien





Entrance fee



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