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IIR Workshop on Cryoprocessing of Biopharmaceuticals and Biomaterials

This first special "cryobio" IIR Workshop provides an interdisciplinary scientific platform for a dialog and exchange of experiences between R&Dinstitutes and industry.



The enormous progress in pharmaceutics and biomaterial development correlates with new solutions for producing, storing and handling of bio-products along the production chain up to the end-user. Therefore freezing and cryoprocessing are getting more and more important as an essential production step in biotechnology.

Investigations are carried out to find novel approaches of the low temperature physics and cryogenics for the field of biopharmaceuticals, e.g. protein solutions and biomaterials. The understanding of the freezing behaviour and the cold-induced biophysical effects is a key issue in R&D currently. Another challenge is to find out how the effects of low temperatures can be used in industry for product improvements.

<link http: _blank link_extern>Program

<link http: _blank link_extern>More information

Initiators and organizers: <link http: _blank link_extern>ILK Dresden and Vienna University of Technology