.digital office - facilitating and encouraging digitalization!

The .digital office coordinates the implementation process of the digitalization strategy and is responsible for facilitating and designing implementation measures and specific digitalization projects. In doing so, the .digital office supports the institutes and departments in the implementation of these projects and ensures the interconnecting of existing digital competences at TU Wien in order to avoid redundancies and to ensure cost efficiency.

Digital Survival Café

[Translate to English:] Hängebrücke, Jungel

Take part in the Digital Survival Café and geht yourself connected you with contact persons for all digital issues at TU Wien! Every second Thursday, experts answer your questions on topics related to collaboration, digitalization, web presence, information security and much more. Topics and dates are kept up to date at TU coLAB, opens an external URL in a new window.

Digitalization projects

[Translate to English:] Digitalzation projects at TU Wien

The .digital office coordinates, supports and connects various projects within the scope of the digitalization strategy.

Objectives of the digital transformation

Digitalisation Objectives

TU Wien's digitalization strategy  has defined objectives in the areas of research, studying and teaching, administration and infrastructure which are to be realized. These objectives can be condensed into a number of core topics: digital skills, smart campus, data, analytics & prediction as well as platforms and networks.


[Translate to English:] collaboration

Digital tools can be used to make working together with colleagues and in teams a lot simpler. At TU Wien, various new services are currently developed to facilitate collaboration even more.


[Translate to English:] Information update events

.digital roadshow and .digital updates - jointly designing the digital transformation


[Translate to English:] .digital office team

You can find your contact persons at the .digital office here

Current .dblog posts

The .digital blog offers posts on interesting topics on digitalization matters in general and the digital transformation at TU Wien in particular:

Project ideas are selected - now let's get started!

TU Wien's internal funding programme .dcall started its third round in January 2023. After a two-stage submission process, nine project ideas were approved for implementation.

[Translate to English:] Gewinnerprojekte des .dcall 2023

1 of 2 images or videos

[Translate to English:] Gewinnerprojekte .dcall 2023

[Translate to English:]

1 of 2 videos or images

In addition to two information events, the .digital office has also held many counselling sessions in the past weeks and advised interested parties about the funding programme and its new categories. Seven weeks after the opening, the .dcall 2023 winning ideas have now been selected. Out of 32 submissions, nine project ideas were approved for implementation and are waiting in the wings to start the implementation phase. In addition to these new projects, four follow-up projects from .dcall 2021 and one follow-up project from Student Life Hacks 2.0 will also be implemented this year.

Here abd in the video is a quick project overview for you (German only): https://portal.tuwien.tv/View.aspx?id=9679~4F~icjmEgeq, opens an external URL in a new window

.dcall 2023 winning project ideas:

  • CAE im XR Lab
  • Bringing the lab to the student: digital twin models 2
  • JaaS-MOOC-4TUW
  • Das virtuelle Labor
  • Die Rolle von ChatGPT in der Informatik-Lehre der TU Wien
  • Learning Analysis based on Individualised Feedback (LAIF)
  • TU-Know-how zur Umsetzung von Umfragen
  • Structured & Unit Independent Search for DBRepo
  • Digitale Workflows neu gedacht - Best Practice am Dekanat für Maschinenwesen und Betriebswissenschaften


.dcall 2021 Follow-up projects:

  • eXam
  • XR für die Lehre
  • ProSAAS
  • University Service Management


Student Life Hacks 2.0 Follow-up project:

  • TUtor 2.0


Detailed information on the projects can be found on in the project overview.

We would like to thank all participants for their interest!