
Workshop on FAIR awareness: Metadata 4 Machines – Basics

Join us for a two-day workshop on FAIR awareness.

TU Wien and the GO FAIR Austria office are organising a two-day workshop on FAIR awareness with two experienced trainiers from the GO FAIR Foundation (NL).

The goal of this initiative is to increase the awareness of the FAIR Guiding Principles that help to automate the Findabiltiy, Accessibility, Interoperation and Reuse of data and digital services. The workshop will provide historical and technical context to help stakeholders better appreciate the value of FAIR and how FAIR might impact their own work in an academic environment. We will also explore the key issues around the implementation of FAIR, and consider technology trends in FAIRification and the FAIR Orchestration of research data. 

The workshop is thematically embedded in an Erasmus week that takes place the following week and is organised by TU Wien Bibliothek.

Agenda and registration, opens an external URL in a new window