
Workshop: Nature-based Solutions

In the context of the official opening of our Data Visualisation Space (Davis), we hosted a special Erasmus+ Mobility Week dedicated to innovative and green urban planning in Vienna, AR and VR technologies and digital methods for nature-based solutions.

Urban gardening roof Oase 22 Wien

© VfB (CC BY)

Nature-based solutions are emerging as an integrated approach aiming to reduce the consequences of climate change, simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. They are designed to bring more nature and natural processes to urban environments.

The workshop participants discussed how nature-based solutions maintain biological and cultural diversity, how AR/VR technologies foster problem-solving and how micro-credentials support sustainable education.

By hosting and organizing this workshop, we emphasize our commitment to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Green Libraries Manifesto and the OPUSH project.

The workshop was held from 07 to 10 May 2023 at TU Wien Bibliothek.