
TU Career Center awarded 50%-Scholarship for women for the General Management MBA

Two happy winners, one beaming brighter than the other

General Management MBA

The TU Career Center of Vienna University of Technology granted again a 50% scholarship for women for the postgraduate General Management MBA program. The successful MBA Program, which will start on October 14th, 2011 for the 12th time , is conducted by Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with Danube University Krems and offers the possibility of gaining basic business, legal and social knowledge while preparing for a career in management.

The scholarship was addressed particularly to women with technical or science-technical background, but there is an increasing number of applicants who graduated in humanites and social sciences. The jury which consisted of representatives from Vienna University of Technology, TUcareer Center and Danube University Krems awarded the scholarship on September 15th, 2011, unanimously to two highly qualified women: Mag. Natalie Amann and Mag. Andrea Klement.

Due to her university studies, Ms. Amann, is a journalist. Some years ago she changed her career goals and is controller at T-Mobile at the moment. In order to improve her skills in economics, and to face challanges in her daily business much easier, she is eager to   become a solid basic education in business administration and judicial topics.

For the same reason Ms. Klement applied for the General Management MBA. She is an alumni of Slavistic Studies at the University of Vienna and has been working for many years in CEE. In order to strengthen her qualification, Ms. Klement is looking forward order to gain intensive economic knowledge within a postgradual program. .

As the General Management MBA Program offers a great varity of basics in business administration both scholarship holders chose this program for their postgraduate education. They are convinced that the General Management MBA Program will promote their next career steps.

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