
National Award for Technology 2024

The research project RELY was nominated for the National Award Technology 2024 in the category "AI for Green" and honored at a gala ceremony on June 11, 2024 by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation & Technology.

Group photo at the award ceremony

© BMK, Reich

Presentation of the nomination certificate on 11.06.2024 in Vienna, from left to right: Anton Maly (TU Wien), Carlotta Tubeuf (TU Wien), Alexander Hehenberger (evon), René Hofmann (TU Wien), Felix Birkelbach (TU Wien), Clemens Heitzinger (TU Wien), Leonore Gewessler (BMK)

The "Staatspreis Technologie, opens an external URL in a new window" is the highest award presented by the BMK. It recognizes pioneering solutions that make a significant contribution to the green and digital transformation. The Institute of Energy Technology and Thermodynamics is proud to have been nominated for the National Award with the interdisciplinary research project RELY, together with two other projects, in the "AI for Green, opens an external URL in a new window" category. In the "AI for Green" category, the focus is on innovative projects that use AI technologies to contribute to Austria's climate goals by reducing the use of resources and energy, avoiding greenhouse gas emissions and/or preserving natural areas and ecosystems.

RELY – REliable REinforcement Learning for sustainable energY systems

The research project RELY is a cooperation between the two internal research areas Industrial Energy Systems (E302-03) and Fluid Machinery (E302-02), as well as the Faculty of Computer Science (Research Unit Machine Learning E194-06) of TU Wien and the industrial partners evon GmbH, TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG and vgbe energy e.V..

In RELY, reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms are being developed to control highly complex processes in energy systems. The innovative use of digital twins to train these algorithms increases their reliability. The methods developed are being tested on a reversible pump turbine on a laboratory scale and are scalable to various power-generating units. The algorithms open up immense potential for flexibility, which is essential in the energy system of the future.

More information about RELY can be seen in the following video (in german only).

Festive ceremony in the Orangery at Schönbrunn Palace

Even though the prize ultimately went to the great project (Atmol4REN-4Cast) from GeoSphere Austria, we are very proud to have made it into the top 3 with RELY. The presentation of the nomination certificate by Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler was a highlight of the all-round inspiring and successful evening in the Orangery of Schönbrunn Palace.

Many thanks at this point to the BMK, and above all to our project partners - together we are shaping the future of energy!

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Staatspreis Technologie 2024: RELY

Related links: (Original publication, Project website etc.)


Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.-habil. René Hofmann
TU Wien
Institut für Energietechnik und Thermodynamik
Getreidemarkt 9/E302, 1060 Wien
Phone: +43 1 58801 302 327