
Service4Science: Kickoff of new event series

The first Service4Science event was held on the topic of persistent identifiers.


As a central service provider of TU Wien for students and researchers, we are looking to expand our range of services. To this end, the library created a new format, „Service4Science”, which started on 15 March 2023.

The first event of the series was dedicated to persistent identifiers (PIDs) and their importance to research careers. Alicia Gómez-Sanchez and Elise Harder gave an overview of different PIDs, their benefits to researchers, and of the services offered by the library regarding PIDs.

In the future, Service4Science events will take place several times a year in various formats: we are planning information events with discussions, workshops and follow-ups. The aim is for researchers to gain insight into current developments and services of TU Wien Bibliothek and participate in shaping new services.

The next event will be a workshop on PID use cases (Service4Science UX) in the second half of May. If you are interested in taking part, please contact