
Welcome Reception MEng Sustainable Construction

Joint program of TU Wien and Graz University of Technology

Welcome Reception

© TU Graz/Nestroy

On February 28, 2013 the welcome reception of the MEng program Sustainable Construction class 2013-2015 took place at the Graz University of Technology.

The academic director Prof. Peter Maydl welcomed the students and gave an overview of the development of the program and the upcoming semesters.

On the part of the continuing education institutes the participants were greeted by Christine Stöckler-Penz (head of Life Long Learning at TU Graz) und Monika Lassmann (program manager at Continuing Education Center at TU Wien).

After a round of introductions the students took the chance to socialize with each other before attending an I Pad introduction and starting their first lecture.

We cordially welcome our new students and wish them “Good Luck”!

You will find further information on our website:, opens an external URL in a new window