.digital office - facilitating and encouraging digitalization!

The .digital office coordinates the implementation process of the digitalization strategy and is responsible for facilitating and designing implementation measures and specific digitalization projects. In doing so, the .digital office supports the institutes and departments in the implementation of these projects and ensures the interconnecting of existing digital competences at TU Wien in order to avoid redundancies and to ensure cost efficiency.

Digital Survival Café

[Translate to English:] Hängebrücke, Jungel

Take part in the Digital Survival Café and geht yourself connected you with contact persons for all digital issues at TU Wien! Every second Thursday, experts answer your questions on topics related to collaboration, digitalization, web presence, information security and much more. Topics and dates are kept up to date at TU coLAB, opens an external URL in a new window.

Digitalization projects

[Translate to English:] Digitalzation projects at TU Wien

The .digital office coordinates, supports and connects various projects within the scope of the digitalization strategy.

Objectives of the digital transformation

Digitalisation Objectives

TU Wien's digitalization strategy  has defined objectives in the areas of research, studying and teaching, administration and infrastructure which are to be realized. These objectives can be condensed into a number of core topics: digital skills, smart campus, data, analytics & prediction as well as platforms and networks.


[Translate to English:] collaboration

Digital tools can be used to make working together with colleagues and in teams a lot simpler. At TU Wien, various new services are currently developed to facilitate collaboration even more.


[Translate to English:] Information update events

.digital roadshow and .digital updates - jointly designing the digital transformation


[Translate to English:] .digital office team

You can find your contact persons at the .digital office here

Current .dblog posts

The .digital blog offers posts on interesting topics on digitalization matters in general and the digital transformation at TU Wien in particular:

Exploiting data from experimental work in a useful way

Data is by no means only a topic of the computer science disciplines. The Faculty of Technical Chemistry also has to deal with how data can be stored and usefully processed.

[Translate to English:] Strukturformel Chemie an Tafel

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[Translate to English:] (c) Fakultät für Technische Chemie

[Translate to English:] Dekan Marko Mihovilovic

[Translate to English:]

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Scientific work and research generate data - regardless of the discipline. In chemistry, the documentation of data and findings from experimental work was kept in handwritten form in so-called laboratory journals for a long time. In the meantime, of course, there are digital alternatives that not only have to deal with growing volumes of data but also with different data formats. This is the only way to ensure that data can be used and made available in the future.

Prof. Marko Mihovilovic, Dean of the Faculty of Technical Chemistry, explains in the latest contribution to the .digital news bits series how this topic is to be tackled at his faculty within the framework of a target agreement project and why the European Union is also dealing with the topic:https://portal.tuwien.tv/View.aspx?id=8767~4C~FdpJz5xw, opens an external URL in a new window