Which grants and scholarships are available for students at TU Wien?

This website provides an overview of existing financial support.

Study Grants from the Austrian Study Grant Authority are supposed to support financially disadvantaged students.

For students who are Austrian citizens as well as students who fulfill the Austrian citizen status (§ 4 StudFG).

Applications for Study Grants can usually be sent in between September and December for the wintersemester and between February and May for the summersemester. Please refer to the current deadlines on the website of the Study Grant Authority, opens an external URL in a new window. (only available in German)


Further information, requirements and the application process are provided by the Austrian Study Grant Authority:


Students who receive a Study Grant have the opportunity to receive further grants and subsidies. Details can be found on the website of the Austrian Study Grant Authority, opens an external URL in a new window. (unfortunately also only available in German)

The Study Grant based on Own Income are supposed to support students who have been "self-financing" for at least four years from the Austrian Study Grant Authority.


Further information, requirements and the application process are provided by the Austrian Study Grant Authority:

Grants for Students Coming from Abroad to study at TU Wien can be found on the OeAD's GRANTS website, opens an external URL in a new window.

The Merit Scholarship Grants at universities are intended to support students and graduates who have achieved outstanding academic performance in accordance with the study regulations. The scholarship is usually awarded at the end of an academic year.

Funding Grants
are intended to support scientific or artistic work from students (diploma theses and dissertations).


Current deadlines can be found on the TU Website of the Admission Office ! (only available in German)

Further information, requirements and the application process are provided by the dean's offices:

  • Faculty of Architecture and Planning:
    on the Website
  • Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering:
    on the Website (only available in German)
  • Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering:
    on the Website
  • Faculty of Technical Chemistry: 
    on the Website (only available in German)
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation as well as Faculty of Physics:
    on the Website
  • Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology:
    on the Website
  • Faculty of Informatics:
    on the Website

The TU Wien awards Foundation Grants to students with social need. The complete application must be sent by e-mail to stiftungs-stipendium@tuwien.ac.at usually until February.


Current deadlines can be found on the TU Website of the Admission Office ! (only available in German)

Further information, requirements and the application process:

The Helmut Veith Stipend is for female students in the field of computer science (CS) who (plan to) pursue one of the Master‘s programme in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English and who have (or have the interest to develop) a solid mathematical and technical background in at least one of the areas in which Austrian scientist Helmut Veith worked, are invited to apply in November for the annually awarded Helmut Veith Stipend. 


Further information, current dates, requirements and the application process:

The application for a graduation scholarship can be submitted once per academic year for a Bachelor's or Master's study programme. The application must be sent with all the required documents by e-mail to abschluss-stipendium@tuwien.ac.at between October and November. Please refer to the corresponding TU website for the current deadline. (only available in German)


Further information, requirements and application:

The Graduation Scholarship from the Austrian Study Grant Authority is intended for students who have almost completed their studies and have been employed for at least 36 months before the graduation scholarship can be granted. Applications can be submitted at any time.


Further information, requirements and the application process are provided by the Austrian Study Grant Authority:

Funds of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH)

The social fund of the Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) offers all students who are members of the ÖH and are in a particular financial emergency situation the opportunity to receive a one-time grant every 12 months.


The following funds are offered:

The social fund is the most frequently paid out fund. The general requirements, opens an external URL in a new window must be fulfilled for receiving it.

The children's fund provides support for unexpected costs for your  child (therapy, children's furniture, etc.) or during pregnancy that cannot be afforded (childcare costs (crèche, after-school care, kindergarten, etc.) also count). More information can be found on the ÖH website "Studying with children", opens an external URL in a new window.

A housing fund is intended to support students who have been living in their flat for more than 3 months and cannot afford the rent or are in a financial emergency due to energy bills.

In case of conflicts with parents regarding maintenance claims, an out-of-court mediation can be conducted. An application can be made to the ÖH mediation fund for the costs incurred for the first three hours of mediation.

For costs arising from current or necessary future psychotherapy an application may be made to the psychotherapy fund.

There is a fund for students with disabilities for those students who have additional expenses during their studies due to their disability.


Further information, requirements and application:

Study Abroad

Students who receive a Study Grant and spend one (or more) semesters abroad as part of their study programme can receive a Grant for Studying Abroad in addition to the domestic grant.


Further information, requirements and the application process are provided by the Austrian Study Grant Authority:

If you are doing the whole Bachelor's or Master's degree in a country of the European Economic Area (EEA), in Switzerland or in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, you are eligible for a Mobility Grant.


Further information, requirements and the application process are provided by the Austrian Study Grant Authority:


Financial support for students with disabilities

All students are entitled to family allowance until their 24th birthday. Students with disabilities and other student groups (e.g. students completing military or civilian service, students with children, pregnant students) are now entitled to family allowance until their 25th birthday.

The increased family allowance is paid in addition to the family allowance. The responsible administration is the local tax office. Proof of disability must be submitted (disability pass, assessment notice, official medical certificate). If care allowance for a child is received or applied for, part of the increased amount will be added to the care allowance.

Study grants are a state subsidy for students. In order to be allowed to claim the study grant, the income of the parents, the student him/herself or the spouse must not exceed a certain amount. In addition, a successful academic performance must be proven in order to receive the study grant.

Successful academic performance: After two semesters, proof of successfully completed examinations amounting to at least 14 semester hours per week (SWS) or 30 ECTS credits (depending on the type of university) must be provided. For students with disabilities, the age limit for applying for a study grant is generally raised from 30 to 35 years.

Students with disabilities receive additional support from state measures that go beyond the general study grant as compensation for disadvantages due to their disability. They are entitled to receive the grant for a longer period if they have a recognized disability of at least 50%,

a) for one semester for students suffering from malignant tumors, leukemia, Hodgkin's disease or cerebral palsy or who require a prosthetic leg (thigh), or

b) by half of the planned period of study for blind or severely visually impaired students as well as students who are deaf or severely hard of hearing or who use a predominantly wheelchair, have a hearing implant, are undergoing dialysis treatment or suffer from cystic fibrosis.

Proof of disability can be provided via the increased family allowance, as well as via receipt of the federal care allowance or via proof in accordance with the Federal Disability Employment Act.

The scholarship offices in Vienna, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck and Graz are barrier-free. Of course, you can also make an appointment with your scholarship office by telephone outside office hours. Applications can also be submitted by post, fax or online.

You can find more information about the scholarship at
http://www.stipendium.at, opens an external URL in a new window 
E-mail: stip.wien@stbh.gv.at, opens in new window 

Stipendienstelle for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
1100 Vienna, Gudrunstraße 179a / corner of Karmarschgasse


In addition to the general state financial support for students, there is also the possibility for students with disabilities to receive special financial support. This is designed to compensate for the additional financial costs that may arise as a result of a disability (e.g. if technical aids are required). These grants are mostly "optional provisions", which means that you have no legal entitlement to them. Nevertheless, you should not be deterred from applying if you belong to the target group.

As part of school or vocational training, the Bundessozialamt can provide job-related support - for example, if you need sign language interpreters, if you need personal assistance at work (PAA) or if you need a guide dog or partner dog.

In Vienna, this is provided by the Vienna Social Fund (FSW, opens an external URL in a new window).
All further information can be obtained from the Bundessozialamt, opens an external URL in a new window and the FSW. The application forms are also available there.

You can apply for study aids such as Braille displays, special software programs or similar from the state government of your respective federal state. In Vienna, applications are submitted to the Fonds Soziales Wien, opens an external URL in a new window. The application forms for the funding of aids are also available there. If you need help with your application, please contact the Disability Representative, opens an external URL in a new window.

Since January 1, 2010, students with disabilities and chronic illnesses have been able to apply to the social fund of the ÖH. In this context, additional costs for studying can be applied for. The application form can be found on the ÖH homepage.
The ÖH will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Österreichische Hochschülerschaft, opens an external URL in a new window
E-mail to the social department of the ÖH: sozial@oeh.ac.at
Application to the Fund for Students with Disabilities (PDF), opens a file in a new window (only available in German)

Further Grants

Further scholarships can be found in the TU Wien University Gazettes, opens an external URL in a new window. The following keywords can help you search: scholarship, scholarships, grant, grants

Current and other federal grants for students can be found on the website of the Austrian Study Grant Authority, opens an external URL in a new window. (only available in German)



Further information can be found in the HTU Sozialreferat, opens an external URL in a new window. (only available in German)