"smartWorkLife“ – Consciously relaxing instead of boundlessly stressed out

Digitalization, flexibilization and new ways of working - nothing characterizes our working world better than these terms. The concepts behind them open up both new opportunities and new challenges for many employees. How can we work autonomously and flexibly without burning out? We always have our smartphone with us and can contact others at any time. This not only makes us more flexible, but our boundary between work and private life is shifting more and more often. But are professional and private boundaries allowed to blur at all? Especially in the home office, we have the opportunity to organize work and other areas of our lives on our own. Because there are few external guidelines for recovery times in the home office.

Flexibility also means (self-)responsibility: What personal and organizational resources support us in dealing with the risks in the home office? How can we also work efficiently and relaxed in New Ways of Working?

The swoliba app helps to balance our flexibility and recovery. Through a variety of scientifically based exercises, not only individual recovery experiences, but also the general well-being is increased in the long term. The app's exercises are designed in such a way that excessive states of exhaustion are averted and a positive underlying mood is built up. The exercises can be selected independently according to personal preferences, at will. However, the strengthening of their work-life balance stands and falls with the regularity of their performance. We have tested the effectiveness in an intervention study and can confirm that the experience of stress can be reduced compared to the control group and the ability to concentrate can be increased (Hartner-Tiefenthaler & Schöllbauer, 2022). So it pays off!

In the book "smartWorkLife - Bewusst erholen statt grenzenlos gestresst" (authors: Martina Hartner-Tiefenthaler, Simone Polic-Tögel and Maria Magdalena Mayer) not only presents a best-of of the exercises, but also summarizes the most important findings on work autonomy, digitalization, mixing work and private life, resource management as well as organizational framework conditions of flexible work in a practical and evidence-based way.

As part of the project "Work-Life-Balance 4.0", which was funded by the Chamber of Labor of Lower Austria (Project Fund Work 4.0), the app swoliba was developed in collaboration with the research group INSO, opens an external URL in a new window as well as the book was written.

The app can be downloaded free of charge from the app stores under "swoliba", is available free of advertising and no data is collected. Details about the book can be found here: https://link.springer.com/book/9783662631287, opens an external URL in a new window

Hartner-Tiefenthaler, M. & Schöllbauer, J. (2022, Sept. 10-15). Erholung vs. positiver Affekt: Vergleich von zwei App-basierten Interventions-programmen zur Verbesserung von Gesundheit und Leistungsfähigkeit im Homeoffice. DGPs-Kongress, Hildesheim, Deutschland.