
15th Sustainability Challenge - Be part of it!

If you are studying for a master's degree or are at an advanced stage of your diploma or bachelor's degree, you can take part, regardless of your field of study and university.

four orange hexagons, arranged 2x2, with the words "Sustainability Challange" next to them

© RCE Vienna

Your chance to get involved, recognize your talents and develop yourself further!

  • Get out of your bubble and into the exchange with students from a wide range of disciplines and universities
  • Project work instead of everyday university life but with 8 ECTS
  • Collaboration in an interdisciplinary team
  • No exams, but intensive project work with companies that are committed to sustainability or get a taste of founding your own start-up
  • Exchange, input & support from lecturers from the 7 universities from different subject areas
  • Elective course with a focus on sustainability, SDGs & climate protection - we look at it from different perspectives - art, technology, social sciences, humanities and natural sciences
  • Meet new people and expand your network: Companies, students, lecturers & other committed people
  • Future prospects and job opportunities
  • Start: October 2024


Make a note now!

You can register now, opens an external URL in a new window via the Sustainability Challenge website. By pre-registering, you secure a place on our list of interested parties and receive early information and updates on the application phase.

More information about the process, the teachers and project partners can be found at, opens an external URL in a new window.
And also on Instagram, opens an external URL in a new window!