All news at TU Wien

TU Wien meets FH Hagenberg

Students excursion to Upper Austria

National and international cooperation between universities is well-established in the field of research, but in teaching and, more specifically, in the scope of courses cooperation is seldom. This is a pity as cooperation could push the attractiveness of courses, increase the motivation of students, foster the communication and the knowledge exchange with students outside of their university, allow teachers to learn from the experience of other teachers, and improve the overall quality of courses.

Digital Imaging in Vienna and Hagenberg

Walter G. Kropatsch and Nicole M. Artner are the lecturers of the course "Introduction to image processing" with more than 100 participating students at <link http: _blank link_intern>TU Wien. They used their existing connections in research with Wilhelm Burger to kick-off a cooperation in teaching. Wilhelm Burger is the dean of the <link http: campus-hagenberg _blank link_extern>university of applied science in Hagenberg and his course entitled "Digital Imaging" covers mostly the same topics as our course at the TU Wien. As a first event and to get the cooperation started, we organized a trip for interested and highly-motivated students (30) and the teaching staff of our course (2 lecturers and 5 tutors) to the FH Hagenberg. The participating students were nominated by us based on the quality of their interim presentations held in November.


The trip to the FH Hagenberg took place on the 19th of December 2013. The first item on our agenda was a guided tour of the FH Hagenberg by Wilhelm Burger himself. He showed us the campus including specialized labs for audio and video recording. Furthermore, the people at the research center <link http: de orgunit _blank link_extern>Hagenberg presented demos of their recent work in human-computer-interaction, ergonomics and health, driver assistance, etc. The demos were especially interesting and fascinating for our students as they showed applications of principles they are learning in our and other courses at the TU Wien. Several discussions were initiated by our students asking about details of a certain research project.

After the guided tour our group had lunch at the Mensa (Campina) on the campus, where we had another chance to meet and greet people of the FH Hagenberg.

The main point on our agenda were the presentations of our students about their projects. For more than two hours, nine students of our course presented their projects in the field of image processing which they realized within their working groups (mostly consisting of five students). The problems they tackled in their projects were chosen by the students themselves. Each presentation was followed by a discussion, where our students but more importantly stu-dents from the "Digital Imaging" course in Hagenberg asked questions and gave feedback to the speakers.

Supported by TU Wien, OCG, ÖAGM and PRIP-Club