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"The Human Heart – An Ultimate Cyber-Physical System"

Prof. Dr. Radu Grosu, a new professor and head of the Dependable Systems Group at the Institute of Computer Engineering, gives his inaugural lecture on November 7, 2012.

Consisting of more than four billion communication nodes interconnected through a very sophisticated communication structure, the human heart is an ultimate cyber-physical system which achieves with astonishing reliability, the electric synchronization and the mechanical contraction of all of its nodes, in order to pump blood, during what is commonly known as a heart beat. However, even this cyber-physical system, engineered by billion years of genetic evolution, is fallible, and predicting its failure is a great challenge for our society.

This inaugural lecture addresses the modeling, analysis and control challenges, and opportunities, associated with this ultimate cyber-physical system.

Radu Grosu is a Professor and Head of the Dependable Systems Group at the Faculty of Informatics of the TU Vienna since 2012. Furthermore, he is Research Professor at the Computer Science Department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook. His research interests include modeling, analysis and control of cyber-physical and biological systems and his application focus includes green operating systems, mobile ad-hoc networks, automotive systems, the Mars rover, cardiac-cell networks and genetic regulatory networks.

R. Grosu is the recipient of the National Science Foundation Career Award, the State University of New York Research Foundation Promising Inventor Award, the ACM Service Award, and a member of the International Federation of Information Processing WG 2.2.

Before receiving his appointment at the Faculty of Informatics, R. Grosu was an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he co-directed the Concurrent-Systems laboratory and co-founded the Systems-Biology laboratory. He earned his Dr.rer.nat. in Computer Science from the Technical University of München, and was a Research Associate in the Computer Science Department of the University of Pennsylvania.

Inaugural Lecture November 7, 2012 – 17 c.t.


  • Welcome
    Gerald Steinhardt, Dean of Faculty of Informatics, TU Vienna

  • The Human Heart - An Ultimate Cyber-Physical System
    Prof. Dr. Radu Grosu

Location: TU Vienna, Lecture room EI 10
1040 Wien, Gußhausstraße 27-29, Ground floor

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