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Online Workshop "RDM at Technical Universities: See How Others Do It!" on 24.11.2022

This RDM in Austria webinar is aimed specifically at researchers.

A circle in which the text "Research Data" is written and around which important RDM terms and tasks are arranged.

RDM related topics of the Graz micro computed Tomography Consortium l Image:


Researchers from TU Graz and TU Wien will report on their experiences with DMPs, the practical implementation of the FAIR principles, and the use of institutional RDM services. Additionally, there will be the opportunity to ask questions and contribute your own experiences and findings.

You are cordially invited!


  • So many projects so little time for DMPs: What do researchers need? – Florina Piroi, TU Wien
  • Greetings from Planet Big Data: Publishing global satellite imagery using TU Wien Research Data Repository. – Bernhard Bauer-Marschallinger, TU Wien
  • Research Data Management for Graz micro-computed tomography consortium: Needs and challenges in a multi-university project. – Fabio Eduardo Machado Charry, TU Graz

About the Event Series

Depending on the topic, the event series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window is aimed at researchers, service providers, or people involved in research support. It serves networking and exchange on RDM topics, such as data management plans, next generation repositories, or established workflow models.

More information and registration

Please visit the event website, opens an external URL in a new window for more information and registration.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien