All news at TU Wien

CommunicationsHub 2017

My research as video

The CommunicationsHub 2017 at the University of Vienna offers students and young scientists the opportunity to present their science /research project /invention in short videos. In co-operation with OKTO.TV, we offer you to work with video experts, who will accompany and advise you in the process of video production step by step. You can apply as teams of 2-4 people. The Hub is aimed at students and young scientists of the natural sciences and life sciences, as well as for humanities, social and cultural scientists.

What you need to bring along

  • Excitement for your research
  • Interest in science communication
  • Concrete ideas to whom you want to convey your research

What we offer

  • Introduction to visual science communication and storytelling
  • Introduction to format development and video production
  • Professional support for the further implementation of the video projects for 3-5 teams

CommunicationsHub 2017
The CommunicationsHub 2017 will be launched in March 2017 and will end in June 2017. Following a kick-off event, the teams will work on their video projects under the guidance of experts. At the end of June, the projects will be presented as part of a final presentation.

Application and selection process
Please send a short description of your research project/your invention, which is to be conveyed in the video (max. 1/2 page) together with short CVs of the team until February 10, 2017 to <link> End of February, the applicants will be invited to a brief personal presentation of their project ideas. A selection jury picks max. 5 teams to participate in the Hub.