MSc Program Engineering Management | a lecture into the world of finance

“Private Equity (PE) and Venture Capital (VC)” A new world for us.

Group picture

On January 19, 2021 we had the pleasure of following the invitation by Liechtensteinische Landesbank (Österreich) AG expressed by DI Sibylle Dolecek-Anselment CFP TEP, Director Private & Institutional Banking and Mag. Martin Prohazka, Managing Director LLB Private Equity GmbH.

LLB group is the longest-standing universal bank in Liechtenstein, founded in 1861, with almost CHF 90 Billion Assets under Management (AUM)* and about 1,100* employees. LLB's rating by Moody`s is Aa2 and the Tier1 capital ratio, the core measure of a bank's financial strength, is 20.4%*. Which exceeds regulatory requirements by far.

Due to necessary but unfortunate COVID-19 contact regulations, the meeting took place as a ZOOM-conference.

After a short introduction by Prof. Peter Kopacek the team of LLB Österreich presented the nuts and bolts of private equity (PE) and venture capital (VC) wealth management and finance. In the presentation the focus was put on wealth management. In particular, private equity and venture capital was discussed and presented. Private Equity investments use pooled money to generate long-term capital gains by means of transformational investments in privately owned, mature, mostly well established and cash generative companies. Main characteristics are majority ownership, the implementation of a four to five year value creation plan and an alignment of interest with the operational management of the company.  

For most of us it was an introduction to a completely “new” world and some of us will probably use this in our future “management life”. Thanks for the information and hospitality.

A report by Fabian and Stefan (students of the MSc Program Engineering Management)