Management & Leadership News

Graduation ceremony of 2 cohorts of the MSc program Engineering Management

On Friday, October 15, 2021, the graduation ceremony of the postgraduate, part-time MSc program Engineering Management for the participants of the academic years 2018-2020 and 2019-2021 took place at TU Wien.

[Translate to English:] Absolvent_innen und Vortragende

After the festive entry of the guests of honor and graduates, Prof. Kurt Matyas, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at TU Wien, and Prof. Peter Kopacek, Academic Program Director of the MSc program Engineering Management, held their welcoming and ceremonial speeches.

It followed the "Academic Oath" spoken by Ms. Yvonne Wenzel, alumna from the Engineering Management 2019-2021 program, Prof. Kurt Matyas and Prof. Peter Kopacek with the support of Ms. Sandra Wagner presented the certificates and the students confirmed that they will continue to support science and stay in contact with TU Wien.

Mr. Martin Monschein, MSc graduate of Engineering Management 2019-2021 hold the alumni speech for both cohorts. He addressed the challenging time due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how the students stuck together.
At the "Award Ceremony", the best students and lecturer of each program were honored by Prof. Kurt Matyas and Prof. Peter Kopacek. For the first time, the "EM Scientific Publication Award" was awarded to two graduates who have published parts of their MSc theses in recognized international journals. The winner were Mr. Stefan Vieweg "COVID-19 Effects on Distributed Manufacturing" and Fabian Janisch "Digital Currencies and Community Empowerment in Austria: Gesell's Concept of Effective Demand as a Basis for Local Digital Currencies".
The ceremony ended with the Austrian and European anthem played by members of the TU Orchestra. Finally, light snacks and drinks awaited the guests of the evening, where they could get to know each other better, share experiences and connections.

We wish all graduates all the best on their future life and career paths and look forward to the upcoming alumni events!