Management & Leadership Programs at TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

Welcome to the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, where we provide a comprehensive range of lifelong learning opportunities for professionals, academics and executives. Our mission is to empower our students with top-tier education and training, enabling them to excel in their chosen fields.

## Our Programs

Executive MBA

Executive MBA

Designed for experienced professionals seeking to advance their careers and develop leadership skills.

Master's Programs

Master's Programs

Comprehensive degree programs for students looking to specialize in a specific field and gain in-depth knowledge.

University Courses

University Courses

A range of individual certificate programs for students and professionals to enhance their skills and knowledge in various disciplines.

Compact Programs

Compact Programs

Short-term, focused programs for busy professionals seeking to quickly acquire new skills and stay competitive.

We proudly present ...

Congratulation to the alumni of the 10th General Management MBA

General Management MBA

On November 25th, 2011, the academic degree "Master of Business Administration (MBA)" was awarded to the graduates of the 10th General Management MBA Program.

The academic ceremony was held at Danube University Krems worthily. The graduates, their families and friends as well as the guests of honor were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, Mag. Dr. Walter Seböck, MAS, MSc, MBA, the Vice Rector of Danube University Krems, Prof. Dr. Viktoria Weber and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aussenegg (Academic Director General Management MBA TU Vienna).

After the keynote adresses by Prof. Dr. Wolf Müller-Rostin (Academic coordinator Danube Prof. MBA Aviation) and Dale Griffin, Ph.D. (Ass.Dean Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia) and the graduation diplomas were awarded.
Afterwards some alumni took the chance to report about the special challenge of the combination of postgraduate studies and professional life. All of them expressed a big gratitude to their families and friends, which supported them at any time. Moreover they underlined the excellent personal networking and the gaining of new friends during the 2 years of studying together.

Both, TU Vienna and Danube University Krems, congratulate

DI Robert Berger, MBA
MMag. Dr. Martina Chmelarz-Moswitzer, MBA
DI Christian Ernst, MBA
DI Gottlieb Galuska, MBA
DI Dr. Gerald Klösch, MBA
Claudio Reynaldo Lewandowski, MBA
DI (FH) Anita Mair, MBA
Mag. Oksana Stavrou, MBA

Six students of the General Management MBA passed their studies with distinction. After closing of the official ceremony the new Masters of Business Administration celebrated with their families and friends.

We wish them all the best!

The 13th General Management MBA Program will start on October 19th, 2012. You can already apply for this program. For further detaills please visit our website:


12. December 2011, 11:49 until

We proudly present ...


Congratulation to the alumni of the 10th General Management MBA

On November 25th, 2011, the academic degree "Master of Business Administration (MBA)" was awarded to the graduates of the 10th General Management MBA Program.

The academic ceremony was held at Danube University Krems worthily. The graduates, their families and friends as well as the guests of honor were welcomed by the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Law, Mag. Dr. Walter Seböck, MAS, MSc, MBA, the Vice Rector of Danube University Krems, Prof. Dr. Viktoria Weber and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aussenegg (Academic Director General Management MBA TU Vienna).

After the keynote adresses by Prof. Dr. Wolf Müller-Rostin (Academic coordinator Danube Prof. MBA Aviation) and Dale Griffin, Ph.D. (Ass.Dean Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia) and the graduation diplomas were awarded.
Afterwards some alumni took the chance to report about the special challenge of the combination of postgraduate studies and professional life. All of them expressed a big gratitude to their families and friends, which supported them at any time. Moreover they underlined the excellent personal networking and the gaining of new friends during the 2 years of studying together.

Both, TU Vienna and Danube University Krems, congratulate

DI Robert Berger, MBA
MMag. Dr. Martina Chmelarz-Moswitzer, MBA
DI Christian Ernst, MBA
DI Gottlieb Galuska, MBA
DI Dr. Gerald Klösch, MBA
Claudio Reynaldo Lewandowski, MBA
DI (FH) Anita Mair, MBA
Mag. Oksana Stavrou, MBA

Six students of the General Management MBA passed their studies with distinction. After closing of the official ceremony the new Masters of Business Administration celebrated with their families and friends.

We wish them all the best!

The 13th General Management MBA Program will start on October 19th, 2012. You can already apply for this program. For further detaills please visit our website:

Calendar entry




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