Management & Leadership Programs at TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

Welcome to the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education, where we provide a comprehensive range of lifelong learning opportunities for professionals, academics and executives. Our mission is to empower our students with top-tier education and training, enabling them to excel in their chosen fields.

## Our Programs

Executive MBA

Executive MBA

Designed for experienced professionals seeking to advance their careers and develop leadership skills.

Master's Programs

Master's Programs

Comprehensive degree programs for students looking to specialize in a specific field and gain in-depth knowledge.

University Courses

University Courses

A range of individual certificate programs for students and professionals to enhance their skills and knowledge in various disciplines.

Compact Programs

Compact Programs

Short-term, focused programs for busy professionals seeking to quickly acquire new skills and stay competitive.

Winning sustainably

„Sustainable Construction“ wins "Sustainability Award 2012"

Sustainability Award

© BMLFUW/KERN Bernhard

As key players in shaping the future development of society, economy and environment universities focus increasingly on sustainability – also in their curricula. On Monday, 23 April 2012, the postgraduate program „Sustainable Construction“ jointly offered by Vienna University of Technology and Graz University of Technology received official recognition. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research and the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management awarded the program with the „Sustainability Award 2012“ in the category
Curriculum & Instruction.

Sustainable construction is a major trend in the building sector raising the importance of holistic lifecycle-oriented approaches based on the three-pillar model of sustainability and posing new challenges. To reflect these the technical universities of Vienna and Graz implemented the 2 semesters university course „Sustainable Construction“ as a state of the art continuing education.

Rising to Mastery

Graduates of this program are in a position to put into effect the principles of ecological, economic and socio-cultural sustainability in project development and design and realization, as well as in the operation and demolition of building structures.

And the star keeps on rising. Apart from the recent award the program will soon receive a further upgrade. From 2013 „Sustainable Construction“ will be offered as a 4 semesters master program.

For further information visit >>here, opens in new window



24. April 2012, 16:39 until

Winning sustainably


„Sustainable Construction“ wins "Sustainability Award 2012"

As key players in shaping the future development of society, economy and environment universities focus increasingly on sustainability – also in their curricula. On Monday, 23 April 2012, the postgraduate program „Sustainable Construction“ jointly offered by Vienna University of Technology and Graz University of Technology received official recognition. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research and the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management awarded the program with the „Sustainability Award 2012“ in the category
Curriculum & Instruction.

Sustainable construction is a major trend in the building sector raising the importance of holistic lifecycle-oriented approaches based on the three-pillar model of sustainability and posing new challenges. To reflect these the technical universities of Vienna and Graz implemented the 2 semesters university course „Sustainable Construction“ as a state of the art continuing education.

Rising to Mastery

Graduates of this program are in a position to put into effect the principles of ecological, economic and socio-cultural sustainability in project development and design and realization, as well as in the operation and demolition of building structures.

And the star keeps on rising. Apart from the recent award the program will soon receive a further upgrade. From 2013 „Sustainable Construction“ will be offered as a 4 semesters master program.

For further information visit >>here, opens in new window


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