Management School News

Graduation Ceremony of three Master Programs at TU Vienna

On November 23rd, 2012 24 students of the Master Programs “General Management MBA”, “MEng Membrane Lightweight Structures” and “MSc Renewable Energy in Central & Eastern Europe” finished their studies sucessfully and graduated.

Graduation 2012

The General Management MBA program is conducted by the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with the Danube University Krems and offers the possibility of acquiring basic business, legal and social knowledge while preparing for a career in management. The class graduating now is the 11th class of this successful program.
The MEng Program Membrane Lightweight Structures is a relatively young program offered by the Vienna University of Technology. The substantial goal is to provide graduates with adequate tools and an understanding of appropriate technologies in the field of fabric architecture and fabric engineering. It is the first class that graduated this program.
The MSc Program Renewable Energy in Central & Eastern Europe is the first cross-border course in Austria dealing with the future issues of alternative energy production and is conducted by the Vienna University of Technology in cooperation with the Energiepark Bruck/Leitha. The class graduating now is the 7th class.

The ceremony was opened by the Dean of Academic Affairs for Continuing education, Prof. Bob Martens. The cooperation partners also welcomed the guests. Dr. Anton Zeiner, Head of Center for General Management and Specialized Programs greeted in audience in the name of the Danube University Krems, DI Karin Mottl represented the Energiepark Bruck/Leitha.

Along the lines of the Ten Commandments in the Holy Bible, the keynote speaker Brigitte Kroll-Thaller requested the graduates very cordially to follow „Seven Commandments“ for their future career and to select those which fit best to them: 1. Select best people, 2. Understand the complete business model, 3. Go East, 4. Be selective in the West, 5. Excellence in systems, 6. Profile communications skills, 7. Think green & think mobility. The highlight of the evening was the handing over of the diplomas to the new graduates by their Academic Directors  Prof. Wolfgang Aussenegg, Prof. Christoph Achammer and Prof. Reinhard Haas.

The Continuing Education Center of the Vienna University of Technology proudly presents their graduates:

General Management MBA:
•    DI Christian Bartacek, MBA (Austria)
•    DI Dr. Christian Feichter, MBA (Austria)
•    DI Yuriy Morgunov, MBA (Ukraine)
•    DI Dr. Roman Pschera, MBA (Austria)
•    Mag. Dr. Alexandra Seifner, MBA (Austria)
•    Michaela Waltersam, MBA (Austria)

MEng Membrane Lightweight Structures:
•    Christian Bartl, MEng (Austria)
•    DI Claire Braun, MEng (Austria)
•    Axel Eckerbom, MEng (Sweden)
•    Saqib Fazal, MEng (Kenya)
•    DI Mario Giraldo, MEng (Austria)
•    Dr. Miklos Halada, MEng (Hungary)
•    Thomas Stabauer, MEng (Austria)
•    Urs Stalder, MEng (Switzerland)

MSc Renewable Energy in Central & Eastern Europe:
•    DI Cesar Jorge Aguiari, MSc (Brazil)
•    Dipl.-Kffr. Irina Chim, MSc (Romania)
•    Dan Nicolas Gherghelas, MBA, MSc (Romania)
•    Manuel Herlo, BSc, MSc (Romania)
•    Korcan Kahya, BSc, MSc (Turkey)
•    Mag. Dr. Christian Kaltenegger, MSc (Austria)
•    Mag. Claudia Kettner, MSc (Austria)
•    DI Zoran Kiza, MSc (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
•    Dr. Viktoria Molnar, MSc (Hungary)
•    Daniel Olev, BA, MSc (Russia)
•    Ali Sina User, BA, MSc (Turkey)

We congratulate the alumni and wish them all the best!