Management School News

Excursion to well-known Austrian automotive companies, Professional MBA Automotive Industry

Getting deeper insight to the automotive production

 MIBA Sinter

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Magna Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik Graz

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Magna Powertrain Lannach

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BMW Motorenwerk Steyr

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On March 3 and 4, 2011 as a part of the program a two days’ field trip to 4 well-known Austrian automotive companies took place.

Miba Sinter Austria is the unique manufacturer in Europe producing and developing high-precision automotive components based on the sinter technology. After a factory tour the managers of the company gave detail information about the planning process and logistics. Their success lies in the quality standards during the production of high-precision sintered components and the process oriented, integrated management system improving all processes in production as well as organization.

The second station was BMW Steyr Plant which produces more than half of all BMW engines. In 2011 more than 1,2 million gasoline as well as diesel motors leave this plant. With the innovative production technology comparing to 1980's the number of producing engines per employee is increased more than 24 % and the cost of an engine is reduced more than 35 %.

On the second day the excursion continued at the MAGNA Steyr Fahrzeugtechnik in Graz. It manufactures Mecedes Benz G Class car, BMW X3, Mini, Austin Martin Rapide, and Peugeout RCS. Participants visited the assembly line of Mecedes Benz G Class car and Peugeoet RCS. Since 1979 the Mecedes Benz G Class cars have been produced which have one of the longest production runs in automotive history. New sports coupe Peugeot RCS was introduced in 2009 and approximately 17,000 units are assembled in Graz. It was a good chance to compare one assembly line operating since 1979 and the newest state of art assembly line.

MAGNA Powertrain in Lannach is producing and developing components for the car manufacturers for examples, driveline & chassis control system, power train systems especially four-wheel drives and others. The participants could have a close look on the whole production process from delivery of the liquid aluminum, over the aluminum die casting, machining, milling, grinding to the assembly.

The participants and the program management thank to companies their hospitality.