written online exams

Online exams that are administered in writing via TUWEL, at a fixed location or on campus at a fixed time.

written online exam as a "test" in TUWEL

[Translate to English:] TUWEL Startseite

In addition to multiple-choice questions, the TUWEL module Test offers a further 15 question types which - with a few exceptions - can be automatically evaluated and provided with appropriate feedback.

Candidates complete an online test in TUWEL. The test is opened for candidates at the beginning of the exam and closed at the end of the exam period. The identity of the candidates is automatically determined by logging into TUWEL. 

A major advantage of the online test is the possibility of automated evaluation including feedback.

 The Test activity can be used both as a performance review and as a self-assessment. All question types (except free text questions) are evaluated automatically (e.g.: multiple choice questions) and the result is available immediately after the test. This activity is therefore also suitable for larger courses in order to provide timely feedback (in the form of a formative exam). The feedback is usually rather general and can contain hints for the correct solution or for further study.

This can also be monitored with a parallel web meeting via Zoom. Application hints and stumbling blocks can be found in EDIN - the e-didactic reference book, opens an external URL in a new window.

Online written exams on paper

[Translate to English:] dekoratives Bild

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The candidates work on the exam tasks - in writing, arithmetic or drawing - on paper. The tasks are presented via TUWEL at the beginning of the exam. At the end of the exam, the students scan the written sheets and upload them in TUWEL (by default as "task").

"Task" in TUWEL, what is that?  The task is suitable for all types of assignments in different delivery formats. It can be used for both individual and group assignments (Attention: Groups must be created in TUWEL beforehand!). The task allows the deposit of an assessment and feedback for individuals and groups. 

For further information and references, please visit EDIN, opens an external URL in a new window- the electronic reference work of the TU Vienna in coLAB., opens an external URL in a new window

oral online exams via Zoom

[Translate to English:] Bildschirm mit einem Zoom Meeting darauf

An oral online exam is a conversation between (at least) two people. However, it takes place in virtual space. Strictly speaking, in two separate virtual rooms. Both participants in the conversation therefore only see the tiny section of the other's room that is captured by the camera. In addition, they only hear the section of the existing sound events that is captured by the microphone. 

The Zoom web conference is used as standard at the TUW for the processing of exam interviews and for written exams to ensure the integrity of the exam.

You can find more information about the exam procedure and technical tips in EDIN - the e-didactic reference book, opens an external URL in a new window.