What does Co-Registration mean?

As a student, you have a "home university". This is the university at which you are admitted to the degree programme and at which you enrol every semester. However, you would now like to attend courses at another university which you need for your studies at your home university or which you would like to take additionally? Then the most practical way at the university at which these course(s) is (are) offered is to co-enrol for them without applying for admission as a regular student.

Co-registered students are therefore students who take individual courses for their studies at universities other than their home university. It is not possible to complete a degree programme as a co-enrolled student! The formalities for co-registration vary from university to university, so that you should first enquire about co-registration at the respective university.

Please note: Co-registration 

  1. must be re-registered each semester (as well as the continuation of regular studies)
  2. only possible between Austrian universities!
  3. if you change your study programme (change of study programme number), you have to co-register again! If the study programme at the home university is closed, the co-registration is automatically closed at TU Wien.


First clarify with your home university whether and in what form the courses/examinations that you complete within the scope of co-registration can also be credited to your regular degree programme at your home university! Courses/examinations taken by students of TU Wien in the context of co-registration at other Austrian universities are only recognised as electives/transferable skills.