The Mindbreeze InSpire Query language is used to specify search queries in our search.

Search for single terms

This search returns results containing the term as well as results containing words starting with this term.

  • Example: tuw
    Entering tuw initiates a search for results that contain the term tuw or that contain words starting with the term tuw.

The query language does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters, i.e. tuw, Tuw and TUW return the same results.

Search for multiple terms

This search returns results containing the terms themselves as well as results containing words starting with these terms. To be part of the search result, all terms entered have to be contained in a document.

  • Example: tu wien
    Entering tu wien initiates a search for results that contain the words tu and wien or that contain words starting with the terms tu and wien

The query language does not distinguish between upper and lower case letters, i.e. tu wien, TU Wien and TU WIEN return the same results.

Definite Search for terms or phrases

A definite search searches for definite terms or phrases. This search is initiated via quotation marks (“) at the beginning and at the end of the terms or phrases. Searching for phrases does not make sense if the exact spelling of the words or the phrase is unknown.

  • Example 1: "Technik für Menschen"
    Returns results that contain the specific phrase "Technik für Menschen".
  • Example 2: "Distance"
    Returns results that contain the specific word "Distance", i.e. results containing for example "distance" or "Distances" are not included.
  • Example 3: "Bachelorstudium" "Medizinische Informatik"
    Returns results that contain the specific word "Bachelorstudium" and the specific phrase "Medizinische Informatik".

Logic Operators

To further specify the query, logic operations can be used.


The logic operator AND has the same effect as the search for multiple terms or phrases. The keyword AND must be written in uppercase letters to work as logic operation.

  • Example 1: Webmail AND Mitarbeiter
    Returns results that contain the terms or words that start with the terms Webmail and Mitarbeiter.
  • Example 2: "Bachelorstudium" AND "Medizinische Informatik"
    Returns results that contain the term "Bachelorstudium" and the phrase "Medizinische Informatik".


The logical operator OR delivers all results containing at least one of the search terms or phrases. The keyword OR must be written in uppercase letters to work as logic operation.

  • Example 1: Webmail OR Mitarbeiter
    Returns results that contain the terms or words that start with the terms Webmail or Mitarbeiter.
  • Example 2: Bachelorstudium OR "Medizinische Informatik"
    Returns results that contain the term or words that start with the term Bachelorstudium or that contain the phrase "Medizinische Informatik".


The logical operator NOT can be used to specify queries that do not contain a term or phrase. The keyword NOT must be written in uppercase letters to work as logic operation.

  • Example 1: Webmail NOT Mitarbeiter
    Returns results that contain the term or words that start with the term Webmail but do not contain the term or words that start with the term Mitarbeiter.
  • Example 2: Webmail NOT Mitarbeiter NOT Studierende
    Returns results that contain the term or words that start with the term Webmail but do not contain the term or words that start with the term Mitarbeiter and do not contain the term or words that start with the term Studierende.

Combination of Logic Operators

The above stated logic operators can be combined in various ways.

  • Example 1: "TU" AND ("CoLab" OR "Distance")
    Returns results that contain the term "TU" and either the term "CoLab" or the term "Distance".
  • Example 2: "Distance Learning" NOT ("Room booking" OR Raumbuchung)
    Returns results that contain the phrase "Distance Learning" but do not contain the phrase "Room booking" or the the term or words that start with the term Raumbuchung.


A search with the NEAR operator returns results, in which one word is found near another word. The distance between the two words cannot be greater than 6 words. The keyword NEAR must be written in uppercase letters.

  • Example: CoLab NEAR Distance
    Returns results that contain the term or words that start with the term CoLab and that contain the term Distance within in the 6 words before or after CoLab.

Metadata search

Restriction to file extensions

  • Example: CoLab (extension:doc OR extension:xls)
    Returns results that are files with the file extension ".doc" (Microsoft Word) or ".xls" (Microsoft Excel) and that contain the term or words that start with the term CoLab.

Restriction to title

  • Example: title:Integration
    Returns results that have the term Integration in the title.

Restriction to content

  • Example: content:Integration
    Returns results that have the term Integration in the content.

Interval Search

A query containing the TO operator returns search terms between the left and the right side of the operator.

  • Example 1: mes:size:[1MB TO 2,3MB] extension:pdf
    Returns results that are PDF files with a file size of 1MB < size < 2,3MB. 
  • Example 2: mes:date:[2012-03-20 TO 2012-03-25]
    Returns news articles that have been created between 2012-03-20 and 2012-03-25 (inclusive, i.e. 2012-03-20 <= creation_date <= 2012-03-25) and other results that have last been edited between 2012-03-20 and 2012-03-25 (exclusive, i.e. 2012-03-20 < last_edit_date < 2012-03-25).

Do not forget to put "mes:" before the metadata search interval.

Combination of Search Syntax

It is possible to combine all the described language elements.

  • Example 1: (extension:pdf AND "CoLab") OR (Distance NEAR "Room booking")
    Returns results that are PDF files with the phrase "CoLab" in the name or the content and results that have the phrase "Room booking" within six words before or after the term or words starting with the term Distance.
  • Example 2: extension:xls NOT handbuch
    Returns results that are Microsoft Excel files that do not contain the term or words that start with the term handbuch.