[Translate to English:] Dr. Michael Stöger-Pollach

The organisers of the GATAN-JEOL workshop prefer to rely on the expertise of TU Wien when it comes to EELS.

[Translate to English:] Besucher:Innen betrachten aufmerksam die Aufnahmen eines Transmissionselektronenmikroskops in einem USTEM-Labor der TU Wien.
© Philipp Haslinger

Atoms – The Pixels of Our Reality and the Wave-Particle Duality of Electrons Live!

Manuel Ederer at the TECNAI

Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Ederer successfully passed his defense today. His dissertation titled "Advancing Orbital Mapping in Transmission Electron Microscopy…

[Translate to English:] Karin am SEM

At the end of April, Karin Whitmore will leave our team after more than 40(!) years of service and take her well-deserved retirement. Karin, a…