With ions we have all beam parameters under control, but one: The time structure of an ion pulse. We can adjust ion energies, choose ion species and charge states, tune beam-target geometries, etc., but we cannot determine the impact time of an ion on a solid surface to a precision better than 100ps. This lack of timing precision hinders a direct observation of an ion impact in experiment. In fact, all experimental methods today observe ion-induced effects on/in surfaces on a much later time-scale. Transient ion-induced atomic and electronic effects stay hidden.

Our mission is the development of experimental schemes which allow the direct observation of an ion impact on a solid surface and the ion interaction with short-lived plasmas. The timing-precision we want to reach is 1ps, which is ~100 times better than what can be achieved today.

With the help of the FWF START prize a new group at TU Wien will work over a period of 6 years on directly time-resolved ion scattering. After more than 30 years of development in timing resolution for lasers and electrons, it’s finally time4ions.

More information can be found on our website, opens an external URL in a new window.