Title: Forecasting models for ensuring essential services

Assignment to our (IMW) research priorities:

  • Validation of a data pool based on information from the Austrian food wholesale sector
  • Data-driven development of forecasting and optimization models


Sponsor: Vienna Science and Technology Fund (WWTF)

Duration: 01.04.2020 – 31.06.2020



The project aims to determine early on whether and to what extent supply shortages of essential services in the food sector due to measures to combat the coronavirus (e.g., border closures) may occur. The result is a validated data pool based on Austrian food wholesale sector information. Companies like SPAR, HOFER, REWE, and others provide relevant data on procurement strategies and the logistics chain from the source to the customers. Missing data can be collected through surveys (e.g., sensor technology), expert interviews, or sampling. This data pool is created as a basis for close collaboration with, experts in forecasting and optimization models.


The project aims to improve rapid and fact-based decision-making during crises and change research, society, and politics. By identifying critical points in the food supply chain, the project seeks to avoid crises and achieve long-term improvements. The continuous updating of the supply chain network is crucial for this, requiring additional data and regular updates. The project aims for a broad impact within the scientific community and the public.



Contact details:

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Fazel Ansari
Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Vienna, Austria
Email: fazel.ansari@tuwien.ac.at