Short title: Learn4SMEs

Long title: Learning Factory for Improving Digital Competitiveness and Industry 4.0 Readiness of SMEs in Balkans

Assignment to our (IMW) research priorities:

  • Learning Factories
  • Education and Training
  • Human-centricity
  • Lean and Industry 4.0

Sponsor: EIT Manufacturing

Duration: 01.01.2022-31.12.2022


With the Learn4SMEs project, the first learning factory in North Macedonia is to be built according to the motto "low-cost automatization and digitalization". The goal is to establish the concepts of "Industry 4.0" and "Learning Factory" in the Balkan region through successful implementation of the project.


Thus, local SMEs are to be offered an opportunity for further training or retraining of existing employees as well as for training new employees. Furthermore, the offer includes training programs for students and job seekers. Subsequently, the neighboring countries Bulgaria and Serbia will also be supported by means of associated partnerships. The implementation will not only consist of technical units and the contents will be conveyed through courses and learning nuggets which are tailored to the demands of regional enterprises and the European labor market.


  • TU Wien, Research Unit of Production and Maintenance Management
  • Festo Lernzentrum Saar
  • Centre for researching, development and continues education (CIRKO)

Project management:

Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Nixdorf

Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Wien


Learn4SMEs Logo surrounded by the project partners logos
End result of the project