The original PI and author of the project is Stefano Almi, opens an external URL in a new window. Since he changed affiliation and moved to Italy, the current PI of the project is Elisa Davoli (TU Wien). Our research is supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), opens an external URL in a new window. We collect below a list of all papers which have been published or submitted within the project.


  1. E. Davoli, E. Rocca, L. Scarpa, L. Trussardi
    Local asymptotics and optimal control for a viscous Cahn-Hilliard-reaction-diffusion model for tumor growth
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  2. G. Bonfanti, E. Davoli, R. Rossi
    A coupled rate-dependent/rate-independent system for adhesive contact in Kirchhoff-Love plates
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  3. E. Davoli, L. D'Elia, J. Ingmanns
    Stochastic homogenization of micromagnetic energies and emergence of magnetic skyrmions
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  4. E. Davoli, R. Ferreira, I. Fonseca, J.A. Iglesias
    Dyadic partition-based training schemes for TV/TGV denoising
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  5. S. Almi, M. Caponi, M. Friedrich, F. Solombrino
    Geometric rigidity on Sobolev spaces with variable exponent and applications
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  6. S. Almi, M. Morandotti, F. Solombrino
    Optimal control problems in transport dynamics with additive noise
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  7. S. Almi, D. Reggiani, F. Solombrino
    Lower semicontinuity and relaxation for free discontinuity functionals with non-standard growth
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  8. E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, L. Happ
    A modular Poincaré-Wirtinger type inequality on Lipschitz domains for Sobolev spaces with variable exponents
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  9. S. Almi, E. Tasso
    Generalized bounded deformation in non-Euclidean settings
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)
  10. S. Almi, E. Tasso
    A general criterion for jump set slicing and applications
    Submitted, 2023 (preprint)

Published and accepted papers

  1. S.Almi, S. Kroemer, A. Molchanova
    A new example for the Lavrentiev phenomenon in Nonlinear Elasticity
    Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP) (2023), to appear. (preprint)
  2. S. Almi, C. D'Eramo, M. Morandotti, F. Solombrino
    Mean-field limits for entropic multi-population dynamical systems
    Milan J. Mathematics (preprint)