The following regulations apply to ALL labs.



  1. Our new CH building is large and the labs are very secluded. Leave the lab doors open when you are alone. This will give you a chance to be found quickly in case of an emergency. If the door is closed, no one will know you are there or not and no one will peek into your lab. If you want to go into the infrastructure areas or our dungeons: Tell someone you are going there, and tell that person when you plan to return. This is the only way, we can look for you quickly if you don't show up again as planned.
  2. Never forget: your cell phone does not work everywhere in our building and certainly not in our dungeons.
  3. Keep all emergency phone numbers handy and inform your supervisor immediately if there are any safety issues.
  4. Check escape routes and keep them clear at all times.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the location of the nearest fire extinguisher. Caution: There are several CO2 fire extinguishers located in the laboratory area. Excessive use will displace oxygen in the room!
  6. Know and follow the specific safety precautions for certain experiments, especially when chemicals, cryogenics, lasers, and high voltage supplies are involved.


  1. Before handling containers of cryogenic liquids, check the pressure gauge and make sure the container is NOT pressurized. If you find a pressurized cryogenic container, you must immediately contact the nearest cryo-trained person and ask if this is intentional or not.
  2. Handling cryogenic fluids can become EXTREMELY dangerous very quickly and therefore requires special training. If you are not cryo-trained, stay away!
  3. NEVER enter the liquid nitrogen storage room when the alarm is on. If you do not follow this rule, you will be dead within seconds. Immediately notify your supervisor of the alarm.
  4. Stay away from the He-Recycling system unless you are specially trained


  1. If laser radiation is present (laser warning light is on), always wear safety glasses or stay out of the lab.
  2. Never work with laser beams without special training.
  3. Remember: laser radiation is often invisible and therefore even more dangerous.

High Voltage Power Supplies 

  1. Make sure you are aware of all hazardous high voltage sources in your labs: AFM piezoelectric power supplies and mercury lamp power supplies in mask aligners look harmless, but they are not. If you open and touch the electron beam evaporator power supply in the Leybold vacuum chamber, you are instantly dead because of the residual charge in the capacitors. (2kV, 5A DC!)

Chemistry Laboratories :

  1. Handling HF (hydrofluoric acid, hydrofluoric acid) is extremely dangerous and therefore only specially trained persons are allowed. If you are not trained, stay away and do not even think about touching the HF bottle!
  2. Hot KOH and mixtures of H2O2 and sulfuric acid ("piranha solutions") are extremely aggressive. If you are not trained to handle these liquids, stay away.
  3. Organic solvents on hot plates can overheat. If this happens, they will spontaneously explode ("boiling delay") and spilled solvents may begin to burn.
  4. Safety goggles with side shields must always be worn. If you wear contact lenses, they must be covered with protective goggles that completely seal the eyes. Eye injuries must be avoided under all circumstances!
  5. A long-sleeved, knee-length lab coat and shoes that enclose the feet must be worn. Thongs, sandals and open-toed shoes are prohibited. Long hair must be held back.
  6. No drinking, eating, smoking or chewing gum is allowed in the laboratories.
  7. Pipetting by mouth is prohibited.

Finally: All accidents must be reported to your supervisor and the institute director.