Operational and content-related deepening of the FP7 project TRANSFORM and use of the results for Austria

The follow-up project TRANSFORM+ enables and deepens the Austrian research work within the framework of the FP7 project TRANSFORM through a concrete, comprehensive smart city development concept, through the content-related and organisational design of the smart city stakeholder processes at city level as well as concrete data analysis and planning work in 2 city districts, so-called "smart urban labs" (Liesing and aspern_seestadt). Here, well-founded decisions for an area-specific optimised smart energy system are to be made and implemented through a medium-term, concrete implementation plan. Two pilot applications, a so-called "Smart Citizen Assistant" and an "e-delivery" project, will be implemented in TRANSFORM+ in the two Smart Urban Labs. In order to make the entire results of TRANSFORM and TRANSFORM+ widely usable for other Austrian cities, their processing and communication is part of the project scope.

e-delivery concept

Der Research Unit of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering of the Institute of Transportation, opens an external URL in a new window is responsible for the development of the e-delivery concept for the industrial area Liesing as well as the implementation and monitoring of a pilot operation together with the Wiener Stadtwerken, opens an external URL in a new window, the Institute of Logistics and Transport Economics, opens an external URL in a new window of the WU Wien, BMG-e, Europcar, opens an external URL in a new window and various municipal departments.

In February 2015, the pilot operation of various e-delivery and e-carpooling services was launched in the Liesing industrial area.

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This project was funded by the Climate and Energy Fund, opens an external URL in a new window and carried out as part of the "Smart Cities - FIT for SET" programme.