Blogs on study stays abroad
Read the latest blogs of our Erasmus and Joint Study outgoings here >>
Taiwan-Scholarship for the academic year 2025/26
For the academic year 2025/26, the Taiwan's Ministry of Education is offering 3 scholarships for Austrian, Croatian and Slovenian citizens. This scholarship is intended to support graduate studies (taught in Mandarin Chinese or in English) with the intention of completing the entire study programme in Taiwan.
Application deadline: 01 February - 15 April 2025
More information: Info sheet (PDF) >>, opens a file in a new window
HUAYU Scholarship, Taiwan
For the academic year 2025/26, Taiwan's Ministry of Education is offering scholarship places for a total of 60 months for Austrian, Slovenian and Croatian citizens. This scholarship is intended for a 6- or 3-month course for the study of Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese culture.
Scholarship: NTD 25,000 per month (approx. €737). Costs such as tuition fees, insurance, flight tickets, etc. will not be reimbursed separately.
- 6-month scholarship: 01 September 2025 to 28 February 2026; 01 December 2025 to 31 May 2026; or 1 March to 31 August 2026;
- 3-month scholarship: one trimester in the academic year 2025/26 (Sept.-Nov.; Dec.-Feb.; March-May; June-Aug.).
Application deadline: 01 February - 15 April, 2025
More information: Info sheet >>, opens a file in a new window
Grants for a summer language course in Taiwan at NSYU
The Taiwanese Ministry of Education offers students studying in Austria a grant to complete a Mandarin Chinese language course at the National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung. EU citizens can also apply for a travel grant from the Austrian Ministry of Education.
Date: The course takes place in two groups - from 30.06.2025 or from 28.07.2025 (both moths are also possible).
Application deadline: January 30, 2025
More information: Info sheet >>, opens a file in a new window
Grants for a summer language course in Taiwan at MCU
The Taiwanese Ministry of Education offers students studying in Austria a grant to complete a Mandarin Chinese language course at the Ming Chuan University in Taipei.
Date: The course takes place from 01.07.2025 till 26.07.2025.
Application deadline: January 30, 2025
More information: Info sheet >>, opens a file in a new window
ATHENS Programme - Study in Europe for a week!
One-week intensiv courses at 24 European partner universities from March 15 - 22, 2025.
30 teaching units/week, social programme “European Dimension Activities", 2-3 ECTS, 30 grants!
Course list and online application: ATHENS-Homepage, opens an external URL in a new window + submission of application documents to
Application deadline: 07.01. - 02.02.2025
Summer Internships at Aalto Science Institute, Finland
The Aalto Science Institute International Summer Research Programme (internship) offers undergraduate and master's students employment opportunities to participate in cutting-edge research, to interact with the premier research groups at Aalto University, and to network in an international environment.
- Internship duration: 12 Weeks, June - August 2025
- Internship location: Aalto University Otaniemi Campus, Espoo, Finland
- Application period: January 7 - 31, 2025
Flyer (PDF) >>, opens a file in a new window | Website >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Contact:
Outgoing Scholarship Programmes of the OeAD 2025/26
Here you can find an overview of our outgoing programmes (i.e. for students from Austria wishing to spend a study or research period abroad) worldwide and the application deadlines.
More information:, opens an external URL in a new window
The Marshall Plan Scholarships - calls for applications
The first call for the academic year 2025/26 will be open from January 07 to March 31, 2025. First possible date of study is August 1, 2025.
The second call for the academic year 2025/26 will be open from June 1 to September 30, 2025. First possible date of study is January 29, 2026.
Study Abroad: Information Event of the Faculty of Informatics
Information about Erasmus, joint studies, or financing possibilities for studying abroad.
Presentation „Opportunities to Study Abroad” (PDF), opens a file in a new window.
Further presentations:, opens an external URL in a new window
Webinar presentation of Jönköping University
It’s great for students who are both considering Jönköping University as an exchange destination, or for those who have already been nominated and want to know a bit more!
You can find the video on the JU YouTube page:, opens an external URL in a new window
ERASMUS+ Event Spatial Planning
The online info event "ERASMUS+ Event Spatial Planning" was organised by TU Wien, Research Unit of Interdisciplinary Centre for Urban Culture and Public Space (E280-09) on 17.01.2024. The following Erasmus+ partners of TU Wien were presented: University of Applied Sciences Erfurt | University of Florence | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
(The video recordings of the presentations can be played after logging in with the TUW password.)
Presentation "Tips for Planning a Study Stay Abroad"
Presentation “Tips for Planning a Study Stay Abroad” held during the Xchange Study Fair 2023 on 28.11.2023.
Download presentation (PDF, German) >> , opens a file in a new window
ACHTUNG: NEW ERASMUS+ application deadlines for TU Wien students
Da unsere Partneruniversitäten häufig frühe Nominierungs- und Bewerbungsfristen haben (vor TUW Semesterstart), werden die ERASMUS+ Bewerbungsfristen für TUW Studierende ab 2024 vorverlegt.
As our partner universities often have early nomination and application deadlines (before the semester at TU Wien starts), the ERASMUS+ application deadlines for TUW students will be brought forward from 2024.
NEW ERASMUS+ application deadlines from 2024:
- 01.01. - 15.02. for stays in the next winter and summer semester;
- 01.07. - 01.09. for remaining places in the summer semester.
More information on the Erasmus+ application can be found here >>
Aktionen Österreich - Slowakei/Tschechien/Ungarn
Aktionen Österreich - Slowakei/Tschechien/Ungarn bieten Studierenden und Forschenden österreichischer Universitäten Forschungsaufenthalte in den Nachbarländern. Mehrere Einreichtermine pro Jahr, abhängig von der jeweiligen Aktion.
Weitere Informationen >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Research Internships in Brazil
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil gives an opportunity to the international student to complete a 3 to 6 months reserach internship in its research center.
Target group: graduate-level students (last year of the study program)
Internship subjects (PDF) >>, opens an external URL in a new window | More information (PoliUSP) >>, opens an external URL in a new window | More information (T.I.M.E.) >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Cyber-Defence Fellowships in Switzerland, 6th call
EPFL, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, and the Swiss Cyber-Defence Campus have jointly launched the “CYD Fellowships – A Talent Program for Cyber-Defence Research” to build the next generation of research leaders in cybersecurity. CYD fellows will be hosted by a higher education institution in Switzerland and conduct their research at the CYD Campus located on the premises of EPFL and ETH Zürich and in its office in Thun.
The program offers funding for 6-month Master theses, 4-year PhDs, and (up to) 2-year postdocs.
Deadlines for applications:
- a rolling call for Master Thesis Fellowship applications is open throughout the year;
- February 23, 2024 for Doctoral and Distinguished Postdoctoral applications.
myAbility Talent® Programm: Karriere mit Erasmus+
Mit einer Behinderung im Ausland lernen, studieren oder arbeiten? Soziale Teilhabe und Chancengleichheit sind Leitthemen der Erasmus-Generation 2021–2027. Das myAbility Talent ® Programm fördert vielversprechende Studierende mit Behinderungen und chronischen Erkrankungen mit einem hochkarätigen Talent-Development-Programm, matcht Unternehmen mit passenden Talents als mögliche zukünftige MitarbeiterInnen und stärkt den offenen Umgang mit Behinderung in Unternehmen.
Weitere Informationen:
myAbility Talent® Programm, opens an external URL in a new window | Infos zur Erasmus+ Inklusionsunterstützung, opens an external URL in a new window | Erfahrungsberichte Mobilität mit Behinderung, opens an external URL in a new window | Inclusive Mobility Toolbox, opens an external URL in a new window
Information on Brexit
After the United Kingdom (UK) left the European Union, the respective transition phase, during which EU law and rules continued to apply, will end on December 31, 2020. For this reason, also the unrestricted movement of people between the United Kingdom and the European Union will end after this date. On the website of OeAD, you will find detailed information on Brexit - also in relation to international programmes.
Announcement of HTU: "Härtefonds" of TU Wien and HTU Wien
There is a possibility to apply at HTU for a financial support provided from the "Härtefonds". The aim of this Fund is to support students of TU Wien who are in a financial or social emergency and cannot hope for another state support.
The application documentation should be submitted to
More information: Support schemes of HTU >>, opens an external URL in a new window | Social Department of HTU >>, opens an external URL in a new window
Erasmus+ - neue Regelung für Stipendien
Studienbeihilfenbezieher dürfen sowohl das Auslandsstipendium der Studienbeihilfenbehörde als auch den Erasmusmobilitätszuschuss in voller Höhe gleichzeitig beziehen. Sobald man einen positiven Bescheid über die Studienbeihilfe bekommen hat, kann man nach einer Erasmusnominierung durch die Heimatuniversität gesondert um die Auslandsbeihilfe bei der Studienbeihilfenbehörde ansuchen. Damit soll es noch mehr Studierenden erleichtert werden am Erasmusprogramm teilzunehmen.
ERASMUS+ Praktika
Alle Studierenden, die ein Praktikum im International Office beantragen, müssen sich in TISS Mobility Services, opens an external URL in a new window als Erasmus-Praktikanten bewerben.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass zuerst das Learning Agreement for Traineeship im International Office abgegeben werden muss, bevor Sie sich in TISS Mobility Services registrieren.
Achtung: Die Bewerbung in TISS Mobility Services ist nur möglich, wenn Sie in TISS eingeloggt sind!
TISS - Mobility Services
"TISS - Mobility Services", opens an external URL in a new window is a TISS application that supports the handling of international mobility programmes at TU Wien, and was developed in cooperation between TISS developers and the International Office. Mobility Services should simplify the application process for you, make the administrative procedures more efficient for everyone involved, and make it easier for you to access the relevant information.
The most important mobility programs at TU Wien are managed via Mobility Services - these include in particular: ERASMUS, Joint Study, grants for diploma and PhD theses and specialist courses abroad, and the Marshall Plan Scholarship.
Please note:
- Application is only possible if you are logged into TISS!
- Software requirements: please use Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for your application in TISS if possible. Other browsers usually do not support data upload in Mobility Service.