Funding & Resources

The “Funding & Resources” working group focuses on the critical aspect of securing financial support for the research and professional activities of members within the Faculty for Technical Chemistry at TU Wien. Recognizing that robust funding is a cornerstone of academic and research success, this group offers a comprehensive range of services aimed at aiding members in their pursuit of both internal and external financial resources.

One key initiative is our repository of successful grant proposals, accessible exclusively to YIA members. This collection serves as a valuable reference, offering insights into what makes an application competitive. In addition to this, the group conducts mock interviews designed to prepare researchers for the rigorous screening processes often associated with high-value grants.

Peer review is another service we offer, where drafts of proposals are critiqued by experienced members, thereby increasing their quality and chances of approval. This collaborative approach ensures that applications meet high academic and technical standards before submission.

We also facilitate connections to the funding office at TU Wien, allowing members to tap into the institution’s broader network of resources and expertise. By doing so, we aim to streamline the often complicated administrative procedures associated with applying for and managing grants.

Additionally, we frequently organize workshops and seminars featuring guest speakers from various funding agencies, offering our members an inside look into what specific agencies are looking for in grant applications.

In short, the “Funding & Resources” working group strives to empower YIA members by providing them with the tools, knowledge, and connections necessary for financial sustainability in their research endeavors. If you are interested in participating actively or have valuable insights to share, please contact the chair or co-chair of the working group. Your engagement will be instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of our collective efforts to secure funding.