Networking & Visibility

The “Networking & Visibility” working group plays a multifaceted role within the Young Investigator Academy. One of its primary objectives is to elevate the public profile of the academy, ensuring that its activities and achievements are widely disseminated and recognized both within and beyond the Faculty for Technical Chemistry at TU Wien.

To accomplish this, the working group manages the YIA’s online presence, which includes maintaining an informative, user-friendly website and actively engaging audiences through social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. The group also curates content that showcases the research, events, and other activities of academy members, aiming to foster a vibrant, online community where ideas and information are freely exchanged.

Beyond online activities, the working group organizes various face-to-face events to foster relationships among YIA members, and between the academy and external stakeholders. These events range from informal networking sessions and seminars to larger, more formal occasions like kickoff meetings and symposiums.

In addition to these initiatives, the working group serves as a liaison between YIA members and other organizations in related fields. This involves reaching out to potential collaborators, participating in joint events, and leveraging existing connections to create opportunities for interdisciplinary research and partnerships.

Finally, the group is committed to effective science communication. It organizes workshops, training sessions, and webinars aimed at enhancing the ability of YIA members to communicate their research to various audiences, including the general public, other scientists, and policymakers.

If you wish to actively participate or have ideas to contribute, please get in touch with the chair or co-chair of the “Networking & Visibility” working group. We highly value the contributions of all members in making this group a success.