The Academy

The Young Investigator Academy (YIA) is a platform for researchers who are either at the postdoctoral stage or hold an Assistant Professor position at the Faculty for Technical Chemistry. Anyone within this demographic is encouraged to actively participate in the academy to meet shared objectives.

The academy is divided into three main working groups:

    Networking & Visibility: This group focuses on managing the public presence of YIA through its website and social media channels. It also coordinates various meetings and networking events, and develops relationships with external organizations. The group is also responsible for the academy’s science communication activities and for dialogue with students and faculty members.
    Career Development: This group is dedicated to enhancing the career growth opportunities for young researchers within the Faculty for Technical Chemistry. Among its initiatives are a mentorship program, professional training courses, and negotiation support for the “Leistungsvereinbarung.”
    Funding & Resources: This group is geared towards aiding members in securing competitive third-party funding as well as internal grants from TU. To accomplish this, it maintains a database of successful grant applications, conducts mock interviews, and offers peer reviews of proposals. It also collaborates with TU Wien’s funding office.

Cross-collaboration among these groups is key to the academy’s success, and they work in close alignment.

Each working group is guided by a chair and a co-chair. Together, these six individuals constitute the board of the YIA.
Interconnectivity between the groups is important and the groups are working closely together.

If you want to actively participate or receive updates as a passive member, please get in touch with us using the form below.