MMLAB stands for “Interfacultary Laboratory for Micro- and Nanomechanics of Biological and Biomimetical Materials”. The laboratory is located at the TU Wien and focuses on investigating the mechanical and morphological properties of micro- and nanostructures. Special emphasis is laid on biological material such as calcified tissue and wood. The experimental means include
- nanoindentation
- scanning probe microscopy
- micro computertomography
- (polarized- and florescence)light microscopy
- tensile/torsional testing
- optical motion capturing
- high-speed video
Sample preparation is conducted in a preparation room, specially equipped for biological tissues.
The MMLAB is interfacultary and belongs to three different institutes: (in alphabetical order)
- Institute of Lightweight Design and Structural Biomechanics
- Institute of Materials Science and Technology
- Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures
The laboratory is used for contract research, industrial projects and scientific collaborations.