Future Wireless THz Communication Devices and Systems (FutureTHz)

19. December 2024
FWF-funded (doc.funds.connect) doctoral programme „FutureTHz“ - We are happy to announce that we will be a partner in the new doctoral school “FutureTHz” which will ramp up in 2025.


The terahertz (THz) frequency range has been one of the focal points of intensive research and development worldwide in recent decades. This new doctoral school is coordinated by Prof. Michael Feiginov and includes principle investigators at TU Wien and FH Oberösterreich.

The doctoral school focuses on one of the most promising THz sources: resonant-tunneling-diode (RTD) oscillators. This project systematically investigates the nonlinearities in RTD oscillators, develops accurate analytical and numerical models, validates them experimentally, and explores the use of RTD oscillators in certain application scenarios. A key focus is on in-depth understanding of a technique known as injection locking for achieving precise frequency and phase control of RTD oscillators.

This interest is driven by both scientific and practical reasons. Conventional electronic and optical devices are unable to operate at THz frequencies, requiring the development of unconventional devices and systems. Practically, THz technology holds great promise for applications in fields such as medical diagnostics, security, sensing, wireless communication, and earth observation.

However, the full scope of THz applications remains to be identified and may extend well beyond these areas. A significant challenge hindering the practical use of THz technology is the lack of compact, cost-effective THz sources that can deliver high power, but also feature precise phase and frequency control.

At our institute, the principal investigators Dr.-Ing. Andrea Ortiz  and Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Mecklenbräuker

will contribute to the doctoral school by serving as thesis advisors in the broad area of communication and ranging with Resonant Tunneling Diode oscillators.


As a starting point, investigations of fundamental limits for coherent and incoherent joint communicaton and ranging will be carried out. The phase noise characteristics of injection-locked RTD oscillators are simulated and coherence time measurements are carried out on manufactured prototypes.

further informations: FWF-Förderung: Neue Forschungs-Großprojekte