Colloquium in Honor of Franz Hlawatsch

18. September 2024
on the Occasion of his Retirement

Date: Friday, September 27, 2024

Colloquium announcement - Retirement Prof. Dr. Franz Hlawatsch

Franz Hlawatsch is looking back on a long and successful career in the area of signal processing and communications. His scientific work on topics like time-frequency signal analysis, wireless communications, distributed algorithms, Bayesian inference, and localization and tracking has had a lasting impact.

Apart from being an internationally highly recognized academic researcher, he has also been an outstanding teacher, who has shaped the education and career of countless students.

We celebrate his career and accomplishments by holding a scientific colloquium that features nine invited talks by renowned experts in the areas of time-frequency signal processing, harmonic analysis, Bayesian signal processing, and information theory.



09:30 Opening Remarks

Gerald Matz, Christoph Mecklenbräuker, Wolfgang Mecklenbräuker

Session 1: Numerical Harmonists

10:00 Karlheinz Gröchenig : Channel matrices are diagonal – well, almost diagonal
10:30 Hans Feichtinger: Wigner, Gabor and time-frequency analysis

11:00 Coffee Break

Session 2: O tempora, o frequentiae

11:30 Patrick Flandrin: Quadratic is beautiful
12:00 Helmut Bölcskei: A journey through time and frequency
12:30 Gerald Matz: Underspread matters

13:00 Lunch


Session 3: Databases

14:30 Petar Djuric: Distributed sequential inference in multi-agent systems
15:00 Jean-Yves Tourneret: P and T wave delineation in ECG signals using Bayesian methods

15:30 Coffee Break

Session 4: Bit by bit

16:00 Günter Koliander: Information in point patterns
16:30 Rüdiger Urbanke: And now, a message from Franz


17:00 Franz Hlawatsch: Entangled multiobject estimation and some personal remarks
17:30 Closing Remarks


19:30 Dinner at Heuriger Schübel-Auer, Kahlenberger Str. 22, 1190 Wien

Date, Time:

Friday, September 27, 2024, 09:30

Event location:

Kontaktraum (CD0603, Etage 6)

Download the program of the colloquium (PDF file).