Christian Doppler Laboratory

The CD Laboratory model is a research approach that facilitates close collaboration between industrial companies and academic institutions. It offers companies the opportunity to jointly undertake innovative research projects with universities and colleges to develop new technologies and solutions. This collaboration promotes knowledge transfer and the exchange of expertise between industry and research.

CDG-Christian Doppler Forschungsgesellschaft

We take pride in our extensive track record of hosting CD Laboratories, which have played a pivotal role in advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of wireless communication technologies.

Our CD Laboratories have been instrumental in advancing wireless communication research. With three past CD Laboratories and one active laboratory, we have established a formidable platform for rigorous research and innovation. These laboratories serve as focal points for interdisciplinary collaboration, bringing together leading experts from academia and industry to tackle complex challenges and drive transformative advancements in wireless communication.

The CD Laboratories provide an invaluable environment for fostering intellectual exchange, facilitating knowledge transfer, and nurturing talent. Through collaborations with industry partners, we bridge the gap between theoretical research and practical applications, ensuring our findings have real-world impact.

Christian Doppler Laboratory for Digital Twin assisted AI for sustainable Radio Access Networks

Duration: 11.2023 –

Christian Doppler Laboratory for Dependable Wireless Connectivity for the Society in Motion

Duration: 01.2016 – 12.2022

Christian Doppler Laboratory for Wireless Technologies for Sustainable Mobility

Duration: 07.2009 – 06.2016

Christian Doppler Laboratory for Design Methodology of Signal Processing Algorithms

Duration: 07.2002 – 09.2009